I have seen everything now!

An ‘app’ on a cell phone to feed your cat! All very well in theory but, in practice, is this not encouraging people to leave their cats on their own? This ‘feeder’ holds enough for 15 days!


there is even a matching water fountain


You might never need to see your cat again!

15 days?? Are they seriously saying that its quite normal to bugger off on holiday and leave your cat alone for X amount of days?! Anyone who even thinks this, should have the cat removed from their care! The price of it as well! Jeez… :roll_eyes:


You are right Pixie! I have had cats for 40 years and always got somebody I trust to live at my house and care for them, when I was away.
Having a cat means you are making it dependent on you, so if you can’t offer proper care when you are not there,you shouldn’t have one

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does it clean there litter tray as well :poop:

Funnily enough - it didn’t mention that! :grinning:

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Got to be a gimmick, surely?

An expensive one - over £80 for the feeder!

If people are too bone idle to feed and interact with their pets properly - then they shouldn’t have a pet in the first place.


I used to have a cat feeder that gave 2 meals. But during an even a mildly warm period. I would not want to leave food lying around for more than 2 days at the very most.


But the intellectually challenged will happily pay stupid money for it & then happily use it, simply because it is a gimmick.

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I have just had a wicked thought!..
If it is purchased online , lasts for 15 days and the cat can go through the cat flap, perhaps they are wanting to steal your cat! :open_mouth:
They will have your address, be sure you will take holidays so they just need to find out when!
If people are prepared to spend that much money , rather than get a friend to feed the cat, it may be a pedigree cat.
If they catch it they could sell it for a fortune and the £80 would cover their travel costs!
I am only joking but dogs & cats are being stolen and people will pay a lot for them. If they can breed from them there is a lot of money to be made!

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Totally agree. A pet should be loved and enjoyed.


Poor little things, left on their own. And I’d be having a nervous breakdown in case it wasn’t working while I was away.

I had one of those automatic ones and if I was going away for one night it would feed him in the evening and morning, plus water left down of course.

But he would attack it and try to break it open to get te goodies out early! Thug cat!


He sounds like a very smart cat to me Maree! :laughing:

My little monsters demand waitress service for meals… they make a noise and I bring them dinner!


I’ve never been a cat owner. I think they are beautiful animals I just never wanted one as a companion. This goes for dog owners too. I am a dog lover thought and through. If you’re to lazy to pour a bowl of food or fill a water dish, don’t own pets.


Hi SilverTabby
The bit that would worry me is if it’s mains powered or battery powered!
I’d be worried about power cuts and batteries going flat.


I couldn’t rely on it over a long period, supposing it got jammed? Supposing your cat choked on something or was ill without out you letter, just the thought is upsetting me :slightly_frowning_face:

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To me, having cats , or dogs, is no different than having children because they are a responsibility. For that reason I ask myself " would you leave a child alone for 15 days to find their own food? Would you leave a child alone to deal with medical problems?
Would you leave a child alone to deal with any house emergencies?
If the child was 16 and smart enough to deal with it, I might, but you can’t teach a cat to phone the vet , get fresh water or safely escape a fire, so in my eyes they are no more capable that tiny tots!


No way would I feed my cats exclusively on dry food anyway - it would wreak havoc with their kidneys!