I Have Learned A Few Life Lessons

So many people fear growing old.
I would like to say that we never grow old in our minds.
In my mind I am still in my twenties. I am in awe of what the future still holds. The possibilities are endless. I feel the best is yet to come.
The only restrictions placed on me are those that I place on myself.
Obviously my older body can not do as much as my younger body could. Or maybe I should say, my body can not sustain for as long as my younger body could.
I can still go Mountain climbing, simply smaller mountains, I can still go bush walking, taking an easier path.
If I wanted to, I could bungy jump, I do not want to. I can go up in a hot air balloon. I can participate in a fun run,(short course)
I like to go outside and experience life because I know that at any moment a miracle may reveal itself and I might be the only one to experience it.
I know that if my problems in life were placed alongside other peoples problems then I would embrace that which is mine.
When all is said and done, most of our problems are so insignificant as to be non existent. Except in our minds. We blow up our problems so as to justify not doing anything, then we can complain about being bored.
Probably a lesson I learnt a long time ago is that envy is a waste of precious time.
I learnt to love and appreciate what I have. If I really wanted what the other person has then I would have striven for it. Because I never strove for it, meant I never really wanted it.
I am content with my lot.
I have reached the ripe old age of 61, millions of people never reach that age.
Many people never get to live a life as blessed as mine. I only say blessed because I have made it this far.
Life is a lottery. Some win and get to be around for a lot longer than those who lose. Remember, your life could end tomorrow. Do all that you can to make it special.
I know that it is difficult, but I try to not take myself so seriously. Yes, I have a serious side but being serious all the time does not allow frivolity a chance. We all need frivolity in our lives. Frivolity allows us to laugh and laughter is infectious.
When we laugh, those around us laugh. Perpetuating an atmosphere of pure joy.

Hundreds of times in my life events have occurred, which at the time seemed to me would destroy me. Both mentally or physically, but guess what? I am still here, those “Problems” passed.
I learnt a valuable life lesson and grew some more.
The hardest lesson I have learnt is forgiveness.
Many, many times I have been severely wronged by those wanting to laud it over me, and at the time, they did just that.
Time has given me perspective. Perspective to study those traits in people.
Being human, we all have our faults. We are all shaped by our upbringing, our environment, our very real experiences.
As I study bullies, for example, I see insecure people dealing with their own upbringing in the only way they know how. They lash out on those who can not, or will not fight back because most likely their own early home life was quite miserable, with no chance to develop self esteem, empathy, compassion, etc.
So I have forgiven all those who beat up on me, all those who verbally abused me, all those who stole my innocence, all those who ridiculed me, all those that tried to destroy me.
But I will never forget them. As bad as their upbringing may have been, what gave them the right to kick the shit out of me? What gave them the right to abuse me?
What gave them the right to destroy any hope of positive self esteem ?

I have learnt that it is okay to cry. Crying allows those extremely sad emotions to be released. The sooner we cry, the sooner those feelings of melancholy and sadness are released. Allowing us to once again enjoy the experience of life in all it’s wondrous glory.
I have learnt that it does not matter what other people think of me.
I know that I do no wrong these days. Yes, my early years were a melange of wrong doing and misdeeds. But I have rectified my ways.
I am pure of heart, I would not knowingly hurt a single person, I go out of my way to help those that genuinely need help.
I have learnt not to judge people. As I know from my own experiences, our life paths will be incredibly different and we all cope in our own ways. Who am I to judge someone for what they do when I know not for what they do what they do?
I do not know what their lives path has led them to believe. So I leave them be. I watch and learn.
Life is about watching, experiencing and learning.
Doing those three things will allow us to have an incredible life if we do not stress over the little stuff.


When you get old you have to accept you can’t do things like you used.I had to take a toilet break half way through your post. :grinning:


Don’t lash out, go out on the lash instead :smiley:

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Wow, love that bretrick :sunglasses::clap::clap::clap:
What a well thought out and articulate piece of writing. Well done !!!


Not bad Bret!!

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Thank you. Sometimes I simply need to share my experiences and how I feel about this thing called life. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you, spitty, some things are best shared. :slightly_smiling_face:

Bretrick that is lovely

Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

Okay Bretrick, you’ve got my attention…what a great piece of thoughtful writing…
Most of it could apply to me…

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I too have learned much of lifes lessons and boy oh boy its been tough . Its funny how the body changes yet inside we stay the same , yet with wisdom and life lessons we become so much more dont we . I look back at photos and see a pretty young girl who had so many issues thinking she was fat , ugly , and lacked so much confidence . Looking at her i see she could have done so much more with her life had she had the guidance and support she needed .

I could write forever about who i was once upon a dream, and my life hasn’t turned out as i had hoped, but im ok living with myself . Like us all i could write a book , but people would think i’d made it all up !

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I was saving it all for a book, but in the process, forgot most of it, life’s a bugger ain’t it :smiley:


Very, very well said!

I’m encouraged and I try to live every day like it’s my last, taking life by the tail like when in was 21. Sure the body may limit me here and there, but so what?! I will improvise and adapt.
I have survived a war, bring in one up close and personal. I have survived a disabling injury. I have survived financial challenges.
I am a survivor, but at this stage in the game have learned how to tweak whatever may come so that it doesn’t totally run my day.
This is good stuff. I like this age. I’m confident, self assured, stable, and strong AF still. I have a hot woman who loves me, and a great life in a wonderful area of the world. I’ve seen a lot of the world, and the populations.
I feel happy and exceedingly blessed.

God be with you all