I have bought a new hat

I’ve always wanted one but originals are prohibitively expensive, so I bought a replica.

I intend to mount a light in it when I can find one of a suitable size.


Fruity! My gosh, it really suits you :smiley:

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Crikey fruitcake. Your wife must love you to allow that in the living room.

Very nice Cakecrumbs.
Can I borrow it?

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@Fruitcake Very smart Fruitcake :icon_cool:
Will you be wearing it with the light inside

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You look good in it, but I would really like to see the boxer.

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Sadly our boxer is no more. We now have a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel a-cause neither my Lovely Cousin and I feel up to looking after a big dog at our stage in life.

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Er, probably not.

She has mentioned that a few times before.
She was actually the one who ordered it for me. We like unusual things, so the diving hat fits our eclectic tastes perfectly.

I’m sorry to read that, I only asked cos I noticed what was on your t-shirt.

I sadly have no dog in my life now, having to have my lovely Polly dog PTS January 2020, miss her terribly, but am a doting auntie to a young Golden Retriever.

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Did you notice the picture above my head? It is a print of a dog that looked identical to our first Boxer.

My Lovely was brought up around boxers and we had four in a row but decided we couldn’t manage another one now, so got a dog I can pick up and carry if needs be.

Yes of course, but you will have to find another one to match and make sure they don’t clang against each other.

She’s cunning. You won’t be able to see round fully while she approaches you with those jump leads :joy:

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Ooh no, I was thinking more of using it for self-preservation ta.
Not that you need worry; I’ve a pal that would smooth any accrued dents out of it before I return it.

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Fruitcake, it really does brings out your eyes!

I’ve just been back to have a look at the picture, it’s lovely.

I used to have dog walking friends who always had boxers. They were a lovely couple, and their boxers were always named after herbs, I remember with great affection Basil and later Dill. Dogs and couple both long gone, but I have Hollyhocks growing in my garden from seeds I gathered from their garden. Whenever I see them in flower I think of them. Funny thing is I knew them for years, from meeting them walking my dog in the park. I knew their dogs names, but never knew theirs, I always thought of them as Mr and Mrs Boxer.

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Love it :lol:

Stunning Boxer in the painting too :007:

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