I had a funny experience 2 days back

I was writing with pen and paper, I wrote the word “Superfluous” and wondered it the spelling was right.
Then said to myself, "It must correct because no squiggly red line appeared underneath it.:grin:
Thinking word check would work with pen and paper.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Did you use a quill and parchment? :grinning:


:grin: Not that far back, you thing you. :slightly_smiling_face:


At my first type job there was a typing pool full of girls tapping away.Few people actually used a typewriter,now most people do. :grinning:


What is a type Job?

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I must admit that, when I am reading a magazine or a book, I sometimes have to resist the urge to use two fingers to make the picture or text larger.


Back when I was revising for professional exams I often had the mental urge to ctrl + save after memorising a concept despite writing up revision notes with pen and paper.


of a sort :grinning:

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We better watch out - all this hi-tech taking over is dehumanizing us! :grin: :eyes:

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I asked the local town crier about this, and he said, “Oyez, Oyez, Oyez”, :neutral_face:

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