I find it strange that the human body temperature is almost 100 degrees F

I mean to say, 98.6 degrees is almost stifling.

Isn’t it the opposite way? 100 degrees is stifling because the human body is 98.6.

If the human body was 50 degrees, then it would be stifling at 60.

Same with other animals that have different baseline temperatures.

I think some people are hotter than others.Best not to google it though.

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I remember seeing a picture of someone who was supposed to have spontaneously combusted. I was a kid at the time, it scared the living daylights out of me.
I’m not going to search for any pictures right now, I’m doing some sausages in the air fryer.

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Oh no! I did google it Mr Smith…

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The Fahrenheit scale should be scrapped, it doesn’t add up… :017:

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I was taken aback recently when I discovered that Anders Celsius didn’t actually invent the Celcius scale but it was named in his honour.