I don't get it, I really don't

I DO get it. Fear and trust issues.
Since bad news sells, people have to make a huge decision which could have devastating results. When hearing worst case scenarios continuously, why wouldn’t we hesitate.

Most people have a healthy amount of trust so easily follow along with suggested protocol.
Unfortunately we don’t all have that


I don’t trust very easily. You can count the people and institutions I trust on one hand…
But given a choice of being sick or taking a shot, not a hard choice. I have COPD, COVID would most likely be a death sentence to me.
This reminds me of the joke 2 boats and a helicopter. It’s ridiculous.

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I held back a little longer after my Husband had his Vaccines.
Pure and simple at the time. Having Hashimoto’s, I already produce a lot of anti bodies… just needed to convince myself that the vaccine was still the better option…
I have had two does now, and had no symptoms what so ever…


I am fully vaccinated one Pfizer shot and the second was Moderna. I was not happy about the mixed doses. See Canada dropped the ball a bit, while securing vaccines, however they are both mRNA vaccines. But the alternative of drowning in my own fluids, was more than enough incentive. Also I have known a few people who unfortunately passed from this dreadful infection. I trust the science, to come to Canada we had to have small pox, among other vaccines back in the 60’s. Our parents trusted the science. I have had no ill effects from any vaccine , nor have my kids and grandkids thus far. Yes, it is your choice, your body etc etc. I bare no ill will against anyone who does not wish to get it. I only hope they never get the horrid thing. I have seen what it does, it is not pleasant. This is not the flu or Pneumonia it is far worse. I do get the flu shot every year. So far no issues other than a sore arm at injection site. Life is short, speeds by too fast we all know that. I kind of want to stay as long as I can. The alternative rather sucks lol. The media do not believe everything they say. Do your on research and please use proper sites. There is a ton of misinformation out there. Or base it on your own experiences thus far. Best of health to all…


Which just shows how well your mind is working.
Unfortunately we don’t all have that privilege and it truly is just that. A privilege! Congratulations :partying_face: ( no sarcasm ) I really mean it

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My late better half had COPD with only around 35% lung function, God knows how I would have kept her safe, doesn’t bear thinking about.

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I know far too many people who had bad reactions to the vaccination (any version), and the horror stories that the media pumped out didn’t help. Plus the fact that the vaccines had been rushed through, without (as I believed) proper rigorous testing. AND the fact there is a Yellow Card Scheme that you can use to report any vaccine side effects. These things alone informed my decision to hold fire on getting it. However, when neighbour was gallivanting around coughing and sneezing in a shared space, then I thought bugger it, I’m going to get it, to hang with any consequences.


So are you suggesting that people,should not have the choice?

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Mine thankfully is not that bad I have 56% a little over half lung function. I can still hike all day just have to take breaks more frequently than when I was younger. Running and climbing more than 4 flights of stairs would put me in distress.


That’s it Pixie live on the edge! :grinning: :grinning:

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Of course people should have the choice but what they should not be doing is posting utter tripe, conspiracy theories, unscientific twaddle as to why they have decided not to have the vaccine on social media and the like.


Interesting you mention this, Danny…I read an article today that suggested that if it took a person more than a minute and a half to go up 4 flights of stairs, there was something wrong with them and they should get checked out by a doctor…


What other circumstances that involve the good of all do we get a choice. If your choice endangers the public then yes you have no right to make that choice. In this case, believe it or not I am on the fence. The reason being I am vaccinated so if you are infected chances are if I get sick it won’t be serious. To turn the tables though is it right for you to have the choice to put others at risk? Tricky question.
I will say though that people seem to think that they have the God given right of choice, which they do, but only if you remember each and every choice comes with a consequence.

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Lets not forget these people who choose not to have the vaccine for no other reason than Karen on Facebook posted that you will grow a third nipple would still expect the full weight of the medical profession to do all it could to help them.


It always angers me when people don’t check their facts. They just want Likes. God I hate FB. I have an account I made in October, haven’t been back since.

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And that consequence may be a vaccine passport.

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There are some good groups on there, I belong to a couple of cat lovers groups and one for throat cancer which is really excellent for its help and information I am afraid MacMillan does not come close.

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(an aside)Anyone else having that shitty weather were you have to wear a coat in the morning and then carry most of the rest of the day.

We are introducing vaccine passports here in Scotland from 1st October. They apply to all social venues, and of course the public and business alike are all up in arms over them. Given that Scotland has the highest Covid figures in Europe, you’d think there would be some sense about remaining cautious…but oh no…folks are going on about their civil liberties :roll_eyes:


But are we not waiting for the details of this vaccine passport which so far have been thin on the ground?