I Don’t Suppose Anyone Knows What This Plant Is?

Weed as in what people smoke…:smiley:


It’s an odd one because you would think it would be easy to identify by its palmate leaves (I know… how clever am I); but I can’t find it anywhere. :cry:

Here you go Art


The leaves possibly look a bit like Ground Elder ?

Thanks for that, Muddy but it is definitely is not Ground Elder! I have lots of that dreadful stuff growing in my garden.

There is another bud coming on this mystery plant, next to the existing bud.

Download a free app on your phone - Plantnet. Then take a photo of the plant. Open the app and click Validate…choose the photo…and it will tell you what it is!!!

Lindyloo, I wonder if Siri could tell me what my mystery plant is?

Walnut, Hickory? Perhaps you threw a nut in there by accident?

Possible related search: tall field buttercup


Wow girl. That was GOOD.:shock:
I would never have guessed.

I just Googled the image in the post and pasted the result. I really don’t know what it is but was curious.

So cool. I don’t know how to do that but knew it was possible.
Somehow I figured you knew off the top of your head what it was. Lol.
I’m not as techie as you. That was still good.

You’d need to describe it very exactly. Got to say I’ve been very impressed with the Plantnet app.

LOL - I misread that as ‘Planetnet’ and it came up with some group singing about surfing the web!:-D:-D

Must go to Specsavers!!

[quote=“CandyCrunch, post: 1728906”]
Possible related search: tall field buttercup

I don’t think I agree there, Candy.
The reason being your pictures showed the tall Buttercup as having serrated edge leaves.
Art’s plant leaves are not serrated.

:slight_smile: Thanks for that and all your trouble, Candy… but it’s nothing like it! :slight_smile:

Lindy, :slight_smile: Thank You. l did download the Plantnet App but then it came up with a page of stuff that l had to agree to and it put me off.

ST, When you go to Spesavers, can you show them the pic of the plant and ask if they know what it is?
You see, l am getting desperate now! :lol:

Oddly enough when I look up tall field buttercup it looks like this the first 2 pictures

When I look at the link for some reason I got a link for marijuana

Field buttercup


Link picture

Is it possible to get a clearer picture?
I can’t see the texture of the leaves so can’t tell if they are smooth or jagged. Ok never mind. I looked at the other pictures you added and it’s got smooth leaves. My guess is that it’s a very unhealthy rhododendron like Mups says.