I don’t like football

There I’ve said it Football I really detest it. It takes over every tv channel, it’s everywhere. Everyone asking me am I excited about the game. Hmm No!
Today I’ll be doing my best to not catch 1 minute of any speak of the game.
Anyway on with the day, I’m off to talk to my hens :slight_smile:

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Is starting a thread about football really the best way to go about that? :017:

I don’t like football either Rockchic, but on saying that I like the Women’s football, they behave much better then the Men.


That’s right, you’ll get a darn sight more sense out of them too. :smiley:

:023: :023:

And hens don’t spit all over the place!

I’m indifferent.

There I’ve said it. :shock:

. . . or shout, swear and get drunk and sick everywhere.

Or demand vast transfer fees. :shock:

Touché :lol:

Well at least if nothing else it does allow others, who feel the same way, to express this. I am another who doesn’t follow football. That is for various reasons, many of them ‘historical’, which are far too involved to go into here. :wink: :slight_smile:

:023: … they are also far more pleasant to look at too! :wink: :slight_smile:

:023: Well said too! :wink: :slight_smile:

Tbh, I’m not a huge football fan, I used to be as a kid, but I now prefer motorsports, however, I do like watching the euros and the World Cup, I guess it takes me back to when me and my dad used to watch it, hoping England would get to the final…I wish he were still here to see today’s match…

i like how the camera man focuses on foreign fans but then when it comes to english fans thats a no

He might be pregnant!

On the other hand though … ? :shock: :wink: :slight_smile:

Well at least if nothing else it does allow others, who feel the same way, to express this. I am another who doesn’t follow football. That is for various reasons, many of them ‘historical’, which are far too involved to go into here.

:lol::lol: Did some rough nasty council estate oik kick you on the pitch?

Is it very important to have the opportunity to express it? I don’t find that failing to express my distaste for something inhibits my ability to dislike it. :102:

I don’t mind women’s football, but it would be much better if they could just speed it up a bit.

Here’s my solution. It’s very simple. Just scale the size of the pitch and goals down to be suitable for the average woman! ;-):slight_smile:

Suppose we created a model which compared men and women in terms of aspects related to football, and an algorithm found that an average woman is, say, 0.85 of an average man.

Then simply scale the football pitch so that a typical women’s pitch is 85% the size of a man’s pitch. My hypothesis is that a typical women’s football match would appear every bit as fast and exciting as men’s football match! :smiley:

Women’s football would become a lot more popular, and women would be able to increase their incomes, perhaps to the same level as men. :wink:

However, I suspect that most female footballers would not agree to this because many of them seem to be so arrogant, and have this silly belief that they are physically equal, on average, to men. :shock:

This is more a general comment, rather than a dig at anyone per se, but, it amazes me the amount of people who say they’re not interested in football, but then they go out of their way to make comments about the game.

I’m not interested in Tennis, Rugby, Netball, or transgender kite flying (other sports are available), so guess what…I don’t comment about them.


LOL! Brilliant image, Feey! :mrgreen:

What a load of tosh! :lol: