I Cry During Sad Movies

Movie of the week.
A River Runs Through It. 1992
Tom Skeritt, Brad Pitt, Craig Sheffer
Directed by Robert Redford.

Norman Maclean wrote, A River Runs Through It and Other Stories, which was a memoir of his family in Montana in the 1920s.
Published in 1976 when Maclean was 74

“The book was a love poem to Norman’s family,” director Robert Redford told the New York Times. “They were a deeply loving family, but the members didn’t understand each other.
Their lives went into that dark area when the questions become: How does one ask for help? How does one give help? What part of oneself does one give?
All these questions are rolled into the big question of love and helping and understanding one another. Those are the questions that interested me.”
My rating 10/10