I Collect Life Experiences

Growing up in Tasmania, Mt Owen was my go to for Mountain Climbing.

As a teenager I would go climbing this Mountain with a friend or sometimes on my own. No climbing gear or anything like that.
Just climbing as teenagers did.
One time, climbing up a vertical face my body refused to move. Simply froze. It was a long way down if I fell. Would surely have died.
My friend was ahead of me and did not know I was in trouble and he kept going.
For more than 20 minutes I was unable to move until finally something seemed to let me move again.
Rather than continue up the cliff, I slowly went down and found an easier way to the top.


I’ve never wanted to scale a mountain.Everyone gets excited when they get to the top but isn’t it harder to climb back down?

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I don’t know if it is harder. One still needs to be very careful descending.

I love mountains and find them a great challenge, however, I would never climb a rock face. A walk or scramble will be sufficient for me Bretrick.
That is a very impressive mountain, you are a hero for tackling that…Respect!

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A hero or foolhardy. I was 14 at the time. The naivety of youth comes into play. :slightly_smiling_face:

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My brother and cousin were keen climbers until my cousin fell and broke his leg.

I think they once climbed the Devils Chimney on Leckhampton Hill, Cheltenham. (Because it’s there)


I could tell you some stories about being foolhardy as a child Bretrick…