Humans Have Stopped Evolving

When I hear and view the large-scale destruction humans cause to this planet, I often liken us to locusts: just destroying everything in our path to satiate our wants. Then off to space to no doubt do the same again :frowning:

Can’t see that causing any probs. All we are messing with is the earth’s crust, which is just a thin layer, or relatively so.

Sorry Mark, I forgot to delete the last paragraph of Bruce’s post - I meant what would happen if the poles flip? I watched a film about Absolute Zero and wondered if that could actually happen if the poles shifted too much.

Precisely how I feel BV. Like I said, man takes, takes, takes, destroying everything precious and beautiful.
When we discover something breathtakingly beautiful, eg. the crystals growing underground, why can’t we be thankful we have the eyes to see these things, why do we have to steal them instead. It’s the same with wild animals, we shoot, or capture or cage them to make money. Thank God man can’t yet control the sea, the weather or air we breathe - yet.
Bit of an illogical rant perhaps, but I know what I mean. :smiley:

Is that what you believe Seth, or what you know? Tell me, in an idiot-proof way, why you think that please. :slight_smile:

I think what Seth means if you can’t make something outta nothing :smiley: .

Is this the same as they say about everything is made out of atoms and not really solid at all?

I have no idea :confused: . Ask Seth :smiley: .

Living longer is a red herring and was not the point of my post. The point was that in our modern civilisation (in the West at any rate) not only do the “fittest” survive, so do the “unfittest” and, at present, the “unfittest”, are reproducing at a greater rate than the “fittest.” Hence, the “survival of the fittest” as the motor of evolutionary progress has ceased to function.

A chilling thought, a bit like the UK economy really

Sorry about the cut and paste but it’s quick and dirty. “Only a Theory” holds weight;
“In modern science, the term “theory” refers to scientific theories, a well-confirmed type of explanation of nature, made in a way consistent with scientific method, and fulfilling the criteria required by modern science. Such theories are described in such a way that any scientist in the field is in a position to understand and either provide empirical support (“verify”) or empirically contradict (“falsify”) it. Scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge,[2] in contrast to more common uses of the word “theory” that imply that something is unproven or speculative (which is better defined by the word ‘hypothesis’).[3] Scientific theories are also distinguished from hypotheses, which are individual empirically testable conjectures, and scientific laws, which are descriptive accounts of how nature will behave under certain conditions”

Over the long term you are wrong. Like it was said “fittest” has to do with adaptive qualities in individuals. If the environment changes and a certain physical or behavioral trait works in the new environment it has the better chance of survival or recreating.
This works on the level of bacteria and viruses. They constantly mutate and the antibiotics and vaccinations become useless. It’s because they evolve and the adapted trait survives. Different flu shots every year, new antibiotics needed for resistant bacteria.
We are not perfect and humans have not stopped evolving. In event of a catastrophe the better adapted humans will survive or maybe the lucky ones.

Wake up and smell the roses Moses! There are problems that are out stripping the solutions. Particularly in water quality and availability, food production for a increasing over population, climate change, possible volcanic events or a big rock from outer space! If one don’t get ya the other one will! It’s not apocalyptic it’s inevitable.

Smog, acidification of fresh water, pollution of fresh water, over fishing, over grazing, over logging, global warming, it goes on and on. If one don’t get ya the other one will. :shock:

Cor. What you like when you are drunk :shock: .


Bourbon- Rebel Yell or Jim Beam…much more loquacious. Buy me a boiler maker and you’ll get an ear full. :twisted:

On that happy note I’ll say goodnight folks. :smiley:

The world would look like this:


I dealt with that too. Read [post=343252]my post[/post] again.

Humans Have Stopped Evolving

I Haven’t?

Must agree with Mups on that seth:-)

Not only is there more people they are fatter and breed a lot more animals to keep them that way :wink: