Humans Have Stopped Evolving

Hate to say it but you could be right, personally I think we could go one of two ways either evolve to the point we no longer need bodies or we destroy ourselves with war or disease.

I’ve often thought the same Pats, people were saying back in 2012 that our planet was going to “tip” on its axis. :frowning:

I do believe you’re right Julie !

The thought just came into my head Mups … not so ‘unlikely’ though …

Mmm, I’m not convinced the future is “all rosy” that’s for sure.

Tell you something else as well, I know very little about this fracking business, but I do know how old mineshafts collapse, so can’t the same be liable to happen with fracking, but on a larger scale? All man does is take, take, take from our planet.

Ah, but we are on the verge of spreading our wings and flying off to other planets. We will be colonising them soon :smiley: .

We ain’t going extinct anytime soon :smiley: .

Mind you if a big meteor hit us right now :shock: then …

Does anyone really believe that the weight of earth our world, is any different than in the original formation and weight.?

Yes - here’s one! :smiley:

Hi Mups… where did the extra weight come from.?

Extra people, and all that goes with them.

I think you will find that extra people, buildings, transport etc are the re distribution of past and present existing physical materials. That the actual weight of the earth has not changed.

Just like gravity is only a theory - perhaps a misunderstanding of what science means by a ‘theory’

Yes, It has gravity, gravity attracts objects from space, not to mention that the moon was once part of it too.

The Earth’s magnetic field will flip at sometime in the not too distant future give or take a few dozen millenniums, perhaps that is what they were talking about.

Some time ago I read a theory by some flat earther that climate change was a result of shipping all the iron ore from Australia to China and the resultant redistribution of mass causing a wobble in the spin of the earth.

We did have a thread about the fracking issue Mups, some of us thought ‘a no no’ - others thought a ‘go go’ …:smiley:

You wait till the Klingons get wind of us and start parking their fecking big spacecraft all over the place. Be a few extra pounds added then I can tell you.'Vort_class.jpg/200px-Klingon_K'Vort_class.jpg

I couldn’t agree more and I’d also add Lauren to that - how can you be that age but can’t walk properly or carry a cup of tea without spilling half of it, walk into walls, trip over the same thing 5 times, etc.

Sad and sorry state both of them are in. Not too fond of Carol either. In fact, all three seem to be showing signs of regressing rather than evolving in an upward manner.

We would also have to include healing which enables reproduction of faulty genes.

The sad thing is that even after her disgusting behaviour, she seems really popular with housemates (except Vicky) and a large proportion of the public.

What would be the outcome of that if it happened?