Came across these photos and they really hit home hard, made me feel so bad. What right have we to do this, it’s horrible, cruel, and totally unnecessary.

Came across these photos and they really hit home hard, made me feel so bad. What right have we to do this, it’s horrible, cruel, and totally unnecessary.
Oh @Rox it hurts just looking at those pictures. As a species we are capable of such cruelty, but also great acts of compassion.
They are terrible, human beings have a lot to answer for
The truth is often ugly. People wonder why I prefer animals to humans! Can’t remember the last time an animal made an ornament out of a human.
Goodness Rox, that certainly makes people think.
Unfortunately cruelty exists
It’s not just the obvious cruelty but the indifference as birds in cages either for eggs or as pets ,cramming live stock on to ships,etc…
Other than the vindictive, useless louts who enjoy punishing animals for no other reason than pleasure, most of those other despicable wildlife crimes are carried out purely for money - that insatiable greed some humans have to make vast sums of money quickly, and to hell with what they hurt in the process.
I hope those responsible rot in hell.
I agree with every word Mups. Human Beings are the biggest virus on this planet.
They leave them with no where to live too.Infrastructure projects that make jobs and keep politicians in theirs.