Human drivers should not be responsible for accidents caused by autonomous vehicles

New UK legislation will put the blame where it should be – on the vehicles’ manufacturers.
In August 2022, the UK government announced a £100m plan to speed up the development and deployment of self-driving vehicles. The plan also calls for new safety regulation, including a bold objective to hold car manufacturers accountable. This would mean that when a vehicle is self-driving, the person behind the wheel will not be responsible for any driving errors.

  • So who programs the robots that make the cars then? There’s a human involved somewhere

That works for me unless humans can take control and do something that could cause harm. The examples he gives is where the human driver did nothing. But could there be a case where the driver does something to cause the accident even if they’re in a driverless vehicle?

The US has different laws based on this article.

Tesla UK is already gearing up for this.


Try asking for a driving licence from one of these robotic cars! I bet all you will get is just a hoot if your lucky :rofl:

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A study carried out at Stanford Law school in 2013 found that, with traditional cars, more than 90 per cent of road accidents are due to human error, so one thing is clear: in the future, streets filled with autonomous drivers will be much safer. The only question is how we handle the long and winding road to get there.

“Ay, there’s the rub!”


Yes there are a lot of unanswered questions still. The software for driverless vehicles has to make choices about what to hit in the situation where there are two bad choices. How does it do that? Hit the car with 4 passengers or hit a pedestrian on the sidewalk?

Lots of questions left to answer.


Manufacturers will build into their handbooks ( as in the us) absolving themselves of any responsibility of their driverless cars


Yes thats what I thought too Primus. Nobody will take the blame of any accidents, and it will be a “Drive at your own risk” type of scenario.

Which I imagine happens anyway, except there is liability at the moment which stops drivers from being idiots on the roads.

If humans aren’t to blame, and the manufacturers won’t take the blame, then the roads will become even more dangerous!

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Has someone invented un-hackable Software?

Anyway, my thoughts are that, if you own it & put it out there, on the road, you should take responsibility for it.

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I agree :+1: Not that I would ever get behind the wheel of one mind you…wait…would you even need a wheel? :thinking:

You might need wheels, unless it’s santa’s sledge!

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Pffft! :joy: Nooo, I meant the driving wheel!

Ahhh, but…perhaps they will do away with actual wheels, and just have hovering in the future? Saves on money and wear and tear, eh? :smiley: