Huge balloon is it spyware

Someone in China must have had a complete breakdown to have thought sending a balloon over the USA was a good idea.

They must have just got bored with all the info streaming in from their spy satellites and decided ballooning was the way to go just to liven things up.

Did I heard right that there is now a second balloon floating around

Scarey stuff

2nd balloon seen over Latin America.

Maybe it was just a breeze after all…tut tut , those Chinese weather forecasters.

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lol. . . because two balloons are less threatening than one. /s

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Whose idea was that, A Spy Balloon? :grin:

I wonder if this is a prelude to America going gung ho into China like they did with ‘weapons of mass destruction’ in Iraq…

No, definitely not.

Bog off.

Someone has a lot of Puff.

Why have satellites when we have Balloons. :icon_wink: :boxing_glove:

A small balloon would have been better, for Spying purposes. :grin:

Is the US part of it? the link says they left in 2020

The debris is being collected, China is mad, and this is not so uncommon.


What a waste of resource, should have bought it down with a catapult :icon_wink:


Someone needs to invent a Stealth Balloon. :icon_wink: