I did a quick search. I don’t think we have that here. They’re located in the UK.
Interesting. I have most of those items. Trash can with a step lid. Dish drainer with insert for silverware. Bucket for the mop. Push broom. Mop. Silverware drawer insert. Manual carpet sweeper. Toilet brush. Bread box. Dust pan with dust broom.
Yes, but remember that some kind friend/relation would have chosen that Tangerine to please you and not be be ridiculed. Our full set was a yellow which although not to my tase, was gratefully received as they had chosen the set with us, the Newly Weds in mind.
At the time, I would not have ridiculed any gift - but 50 years later, my family, friends and I do sometimes have a giggle together about the retro fashions in colours and styles.
We remember when everything in the house was orange and brown, from carpets, wallpaper and bed linen to kitchen accessories and even our own clothes.
I still have a few of those retro wedding gifts too and treasure them.
Items for the new household such as that would be acceptable as wedding gift if the advert was aimed at the couple rather than just the bride. It’s the sort of thing you have to go out and buy when setting up a home. A useful present for both.
Good grief yes! I cringe to admit it now, but I did own an almost orange pair of bell bottom strides and was swanky when wearing them. Finding my long inside leg was difficult, but the local 50-bob tailor ordered a pair in for me👍
Oh my gosh, yes. I was gifted the orange set. Unfortunately it was gifted to me, not to us and yes, all these years later I’m still the ‘fortunate’ one who does all the cleaning.
Our most interesting and useful wedding gift was a Baby Burco Boiler. So invaluable back in those heady days of Terry Towelling Nappies. Aah those were the days!
You can buy carpet sweepers at Bunnings (and many other places) for about $35 I use one all the time. Much better than a vacuum cleaner, ready in an instant, don’t need power or charging and pick up dog hairs like no other device.
I was happy with any gift as we had nothing when we got married…have to admit though I wasn’t best pleased when on our first anniversary my hubby presented me with a frying pan…could have happily hit him over the head with it
Ah yes, that nappy wash boiler. Luckily, our came free via older friends who had definitely completed their family. Although pleased to receive the 2nd hand Burco boiler, I was at the time alarmed at the speed the leccie meter wheel whizzed round when it was boiling. Also that certain exclusive smell when the nappies were boiling has never been forgotten