How would you feel and what would you do if you found out you would live forever?

I would be very sad. ( here I can hear Bscotch saying … " But why? " ). :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

Datsit … :shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face:

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I loved the description of your journeys. I’d be right behind you, I hope. I think it would be amazing to not have to worry about health or death. So many foods to try. So many different cultures to explore. I might get bored but it would be a while.

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Top myself.

Bloody hell!
A very engaging and comprehensive post :+1:
If I wasn’t on my fourth generous glass of Merlot you might have received a vaguely engaging and comprehensive reply!
I owe you one! :wine_glass::wine_glass::wine_glass::wine_glass::thinking:


This thread will be here tomorrow. I can wait. :slight_smile:


I was afraid you’d say that :wink:


I think the government would top me.
They wouldnt want me to have a pension for that long,tight gits.


I suppose if I was Mensa material or an inventor or really curious about life and the future of mankind and it’s future discoveries or impending death knell …

But … on the other hand as a simple soul I’d either die of boredom or die of high blood pressure trying to get my head around advances in technology.
I’d be replaced by AI.

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I’d get incredibly lonely missing all the people who weren’t blessed/cursed with immortality.


I’d be ultra miffed unless my darling was also granted that same immortality :sparkling_heart:


I actually believe that I am immortal…
I’m still here after 73 years, and those that die before me will never know if I was right, and those that outlive me won’t be able to tell me I was wrong…

Nothing should supplant an exit strategy :grin:

I wonder how different the movie would be if the main character was a woman

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Do you think it would be different? In what way?

Yes, I was wondering that also Butterscotch…

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There’s a novel by Natalie Babbet called Tuck Everlasting that addresses this question…it’s a beautifully written story.

Living forever isn’t something I’d choose.


I think i have long levity in my family genes
Dad passed 4 yrs ago , aged 94 , sadly mum passed october aged 97
But i def dont want to live that long !!

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They are good scores.Quality of life is more important than longevity though I think.

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Absolutely Mr Smith…
I wouldn’t want to be doddering old sod… :thinking:…Wait a minute?

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