There’s a show called Forever. The main character fell in the sea and found that he was immortal. He would die, end up in the ocean and start over again. He didn’t age from the point he fell into the sea.
He didn’t age and was in good health and would remain so. Health and finances were not an issue for him.
He might have been happy at first when he found out he was still alive, but as the years passed by, all of the people in his life died, and he did it over and over again, he became obsessed with trying to kill himself.
How would you feel and what would you do if you found out that you couldn’t die and could conceivably live forever?
As I watched the show, I couldn’t relate to the character. Maybe if it went on for eternity it might get boring. He had been doing it for a few hundred years. I kept thinking that it might be like continuing to read a book, wanting to know how things turn out. I’d be curious.
It’s hard to know how I would feel if I were in his shoes. But just finding out now I think I’d feel curious and want to know how it goes. No worrying about health, finances, death or leaving someone in a relationship through death. Doesn’t sound too bad.
… but you could eat as many as you like until you got bored with ‘em! … then move onto another naughty but nice food fad
If I remained in good health and never became ill and didn’t die, whatever I did, I’d probably enjoy myself for a while going on adventures and taking risks that I may think twice about now.
I love sailing but used to get scared when we hit really bad stormy weather - always checked wind and weather forecasts before setting off and stayed in port if it was going to be a bit rough - but if I was invincible and undrownable, then the World would be my Oyster!
Time to get myself another boat and set off on a voyage around the World - there’s plenty of time to stop a while in each port I call into and explore every country, by land and by sea, get to meet new people and enjoy a bit of time with them, before moving on to the next place to explore.
I reckon I could happily fill in a few decades doing that - I guess after a few hundred years you may have been everywhere and got all the T-Shirts - then I’d be hoping to bump into Dr Who and cadge a ride in his Tardis to explore other Worlds for a change!
Maybe by the time I got bored with exploring the World, some bright spark would have perfected the technology to explore other planets - I could volunteer to go on dangerous trial expeditions to other planets - hmmm - would my invincibility apply if I ventured into Space?
Maybe that would be something to try if you got really fed up with living … may start a whole new Chapter of the Story - or give you an exciting send off into oblivion!
I loved the description of your journeys. I’d be right behind you, I hope. I think it would be amazing to not have to worry about health or death. So many foods to try. So many different cultures to explore. I might get bored but it would be a while.
Bloody hell!
A very engaging and comprehensive post
If I wasn’t on my fourth generous glass of Merlot you might have received a vaguely engaging and comprehensive reply!
I owe you one!
I suppose if I was Mensa material or an inventor or really curious about life and the future of mankind and it’s future discoveries or impending death knell …
But … on the other hand as a simple soul I’d either die of boredom or die of high blood pressure trying to get my head around advances in technology.
I’d be replaced by AI.
I actually believe that I am immortal…
I’m still here after 73 years, and those that die before me will never know if I was right, and those that outlive me won’t be able to tell me I was wrong…