I know a little about England …I know it was here before I was anyway.
I enjoy Scottish History, it’s so different to what we were taught in school (English history) my dad a highlander through n through was not amused by this, he always told us girls we were daughters of the Jacobites, and came to the school to ask why Scottish Children were not being taught the history of their country, but their neighbours. There was quite a row about it and I remember he had meetings with the Education Authority about their idea of squashing Scottish history out of existence.
He always asked what we were doing in history and then told us the Scottish version, when I reached high school the history teachers did not like me as I often challenged what they were saying, one in particular had me down as a trouble maker.
MEEEE, I ask you.
Dad always said if both had been taught he would have been a lot happier.
My partner is a real buff on Scottish History and did it in College as an extra he enjoyed, off set it against the agricultural/business/animal husbandry he was doing.
How I ever got to 9th in our year for history I’ll never know.
My son chose to read this before we finally move to Scotland. He picked it up when we were browsing in Foyle’s. It really does seem to be a cracking introduction on the subject, when he’s finished I’m going to ask to borrow it.
Never seen that one before…
Why would you?