How to combine exercises for the best results

Hello Everyone

In search of a way to shed some pounds and tighten up my figure, I turned to research – the results showed that pilates or yoga can be helpful. Pilates specifically is great for strengthening core muscles while improving balance, posture, coordination and body awareness - all at once! With this low-impact exercise there’s no need to pound pavement or endure hours in the gym; it offers an efficient solution for those looking to slim down.

My goal is to blend pilates with yoga, and cardio for optimal results. Doing so allows me to achieve a stronger core, better balance, more flexibility and also build muscle strength as well as reduce calories. I schedule two days of pilates practice each week along with one day dedicated to yoga sessions. On alternating days I do some cardiovascular exercises which provides the perfect combination between strength training and suppleness while helping me stay fit in the long run. Although I am new to exercise, it is important that I begin slowly and increase my intensity level gradually.

Can you recommend any free Pilates Videos or Reformer Classes. Thank you kindly in advance.

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Welcome to the forum!

I just did a search of pilates in YouTube and got this. There are a lot of videos. Maybe there’s one that would suit your needs?

I just keep in shape without pilates. (Round’s a shape isn’t it?)

I’m not sure where you are in the world but Netflix (USA) and NIKE teamed up and created work out videos. I added a few to my LIST

There’s pilates and yoga videos, 20-30 minutes long

Welcome to the forum Symakhan…
Pilates is very popular in the village where I live. Exercise regimes come and go, but Pilates seems to have been going for quite some time.
Being slim, fit and healthy is a lifestyle though, and to stay in that kind of shape requires changing poor habits for ever, not just as fashion dictates.