How many people actually believe in reincarnation and past lives?

What is your reckoning behind your beliefs?
Personally I do not believe that ones “Soul” or “Mind” can go on ad infinitum

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I don’t believe it either.


That’s why life is so precious we only have one .


I don’t believe it either. 5 years ago I died while in intensive care in hospital. I was obviously revived but I went from being lucid and aware of my surroundings (But struggling to breath) to nothing. It was as if I’d been switched off. There was no bright light or out of body experiences I’d heard others talk of. Sometime later, I’m not sure how long, I awoke in the same bed alone with no recollection of what had happened after my last memory of lots of doctors and nurses frantically working around me. It was some months later when I returned to the hospital as an outpatient and my consultant said they’d nearly lost me on more than one occasion that I even knew I’d been revived with electric shocks.
That experience makes me think that when you’re gone, you’re gone.


Wow that certainly brings it home !

Mind you I sometimes fall asleep and when I wake I have no idea when I dropped off .

Maybe death will come like that one day .

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My father on the other hand had a totally different experience. He had a heart attack and was revived via the electric shock device.
I went to see him in hospital the next day and he told me about a dream he’d had. He said he was walking on a beach and on one side of him the sun was shining and the sea was calm and tranquil. On the other side there was a ferocious storm, the sea was angry with large waves and all of a sudden he was jerked violently into the stormy side.
At this point in time he had no idea he’d been revived, he had no recollection of it.
This did make me wonder if there was indeed something true about the afterlife for many years but my experience proved different.

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I know there is nothing but still I hope I’m wrong .
Where my loved ones come to meet me surrounded by all the animals I have loved .
And my son will say what kept you mum .


I believe your life begins when you are born and ends when you die.
The process of procreation, development of a new life, birth, living and death is awesome enough for me without feeling the need to look for any hidden reincarnation malarkey



I once had an Epileptic Seizure. I remember flailing about before I blacked out.
Total darkness, nothing, until I came to.
People who experience “out of body” experiences are, in my opinion in a dream like experience.
Starting on new medication one time, I experienced an “out of body experience”. I honestly felt like I was floating high off the ground for several minutes.

Funny you should say that. I had many hallucinations during my stay in hospital and I put it down to the illness and the drugs I was on. Maybe some of these could have been out of body experiences after all. Who knows. :thinking::man_shrugging:t2:

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Look up “Shared Death Experiences”! It will change the way many of you think!

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Its good to see so much “Faith”

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I honestly can`t see the point in being born,learning all you can and teaching all you can,then die,it just does not make sense.
But if i am wrong i shall never know.

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Nobody really knows what happens in such situations. I flatlined on the operating table and I’m convinced I watched all from above while they kickstarted me again. I remembered all very well and when I explained to the surgeon’s assistant back in the recovery room, he told me it was not uncommon. So, I don’t know now what I believe where an afterlife is concerned :man_shrugging:


I often think that . Even if you have the brain and ability of Leonardo Da Vinci one day it will all return to the earth.

Dust to dust ashes to ashes.


So, what IYO happens to your inner spirit, the essence that is you, after your physical body is reclaimed by the earth from which it was grown?

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I don’t know .

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I do know the incredible energy that we send out to others while on this earth surely must stay here. It’s palpable throughout our lives, others feel this energy field when we are thinking of them.
Surely it doesn’t simply disappear or dissolve when our bodies are gone.
I feel my body is just a vessel to hold the energy, spirit forces, static, whatever our nerve endings send out. A field of magical elements.
Do we go from body to body? I don’t know. But I am not discounting the possibility.


I believe it was Stephen Fry who said (and he may have been quoting), “If anyone claims to know what happens after you die, is either a liar or a fool”.