Bringing Polish potatoes to England
But OK in Scotland?
There are lots of places, certainly here, where we have to SHARE the footpath with cyclists.
It’s the same here too and there are notices up to say so.
Ah yes, that’s true, there are designated paths that can be shared by pedestrians and cyclists. But the general rule is that, unless it’s a designated shared path, then cycling on a footpath is banned. It even applies to children, but if they’re under 10, they’re below the age of criminal responsibility so they would not be prosecuted. Just as well, I’d hate to think of young children being forced to cycle on the roads these days, far too dangerous!
You can drive through a red light , yes it’s Illegal, but if say your life was in danger, or you thought it to be, you could proceed through a red light
I soooo want to handle a salmon under suspicious circumstances
I’ve broken a few of them in my time. Am I ashamed? Nope.
I’ve tickled a trout.
According to the RAC, the Highway Code itself is not a legal document and the rules outlined in it are not official road laws. … A number of the points outlined in the Code are backed up by official traffic laws, meaning you can be fined, prosecuted or disqualified if you ignore them.
Not any more, I had two ‘no blame’ accidents but decided to continue riding motorcycles. Then thinking better of it, bought my first car and it’s been cars ever since. As much as I would like to have one of the ‘big bikes’ again, I think the roads are just too busy and with far too many ‘idiots’ on them!
Did it laugh?
Tickled pink.

You can drive through a red light , yes it’s Illegal, but if say your life was in danger, or you thought it to be, you could proceed through a red light
I soooo want to handle a salmon under suspicious circumstances
I thought that the mobile phone law was only applicable to vehicles on public roads & thus, not a law that related to mobile phone use on private property. That surely comes under drive throughs H & S policies.
When I worked in a beachside pub customers needed 2 X 50p pieces for the cigarette machine. So we were regularly asked for two 50p’s for a £1 note. I would look at the note, then at the customer & say 2 50p’s!! £1, that is 2 50p’s?. Then tear the note in half & hand it back.
Some people almost cried. But it only took 20 seconds with sellotape to sort it.
I handed £1 back to someone just a few days ago. They gave me £1 too much in change, so I handed it back. Some shop staff have to make up till losses & that, not the law makes me hand back extra.
I am sure everyone over 50 has been in a vehicle without a seat belt. And until very recently buses were not fitted with seatbelts.
Better than top tip. If given a ticket for jumping a red light say a suspicious car/van was behind you. When I moved high value loads, it was a standard excuse & always worked.
I 've don’t most except No4.I wouldn’t want to upset the neighbours.

When I worked in a beachside pub customers needed 2 X 50p pieces for the cigarette machine. So we were regularly asked for two 50p’s for a £1 note. I would look at the note, then at the customer & say 2 50p’s!! £1, that is 2 50p’s?. Then tear the note in half & hand it back.
There’s a word for people like you…!
A lot of those laws seem quite sensible to me, for example lights on a bicycle at night seems a no brainer.
I suspect that the most common law people break is not stopping on an amber light when it is safe to do so. In Australia the amber traffic light is viewed as meaning “Floor it”
Not sure i should own up to this seeing how law abiding you all are but I’ve broken 11 of those rules …not saying which ones.
Don’t care, I got away with it.
Thus far,
I’m not going to admit to how many