How many Covid jabs have you had?

3 and no more for us.

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I’ve had four of them plus so many “normal” jabs since I was a baby plus so many “extra” and exotic ones needed for far-away countries plus those recommended for the elderly plus the regular booster shots.
I stopped having those annual flu jabs in my twenties after getting the flu directly after a jab and, decades later, suffered badly from swine flu. Never want to go through it again.

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I have had 5 Covid jabs and this week I am feeling under the weather and Lo and Behold I have Covid how bloody unlucky is that

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I voted ‘4’ but I have five

I travel too much not to

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We will never know, long term, you may have been better off riding your luck, time will tell.


I have just had a fifth Covid (booster) and a flu shot. Both in the same arm.

I think I should get a badge.


I’ve not had any and don’t intend having any


The red badge of courage?

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That’s the spirit Cosmos…Might as well wait while it’s been tested properly. Although it’s not looking good at the moment…

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One has to just keep themselves as safe as possible and use common sense
If we all did this there would not of been any problems

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We thought that but circumstances can arise which are out of your control.Like having an accident and going to hospital where there is a very good chance of catching it.So we had the jabs.

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Too many!!!

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The chance you take both ways
The vaccine killing you or you catching long covid for life
Flu kills thousands and so does hay fever but never had vaccines for those

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If anyone gets to Seventy pretty unscathed, that’s a good innings, what ever finally takes a person out, just remember, anyone in this time has never been forced up a chimney. :grin: :icon_wink:


Excuse me.I’m well over 70 and I’m still not out!


You ever been forced up a chimney? I bet not, that is why you have got so far, sofar.

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How many were forced up a chimney? Not that many in the scheme of things

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Do you have a link?

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yes but it’s gone missing

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summat to do with Monkey Business. Probably

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