This is the distance between Earth and 55 Cancri e.
55 Cancri e is the planet with a thick atmosphere discovered by space researchers.
The really exciting news about 55 Cancri e is that it is a mere 375.3 trillion kms from Earth and would take so long that I can not calculate it.
The Cancri 55 is 41 light years from Earth. The Voyager 1 is travelling at 61,197 kph or 38,026 mph based on 2013 figures. That would take Voyager about 18,000 years to travel one light year, thus if it were going to the Cancri system, it would take 73,800 years (give or take a bit) to get there.
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Thank you for that.
Want to book a ticket with me?
Depends on baggage allowance and in-flight entertainment.
I’d hate to spend 73,000 years watching the same films over again.

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Last time I was on a flight I was given a miniature bottle of water and a minuscule bag of pretzels to last the whole journey …
Don’t tell me…the labels say “Best before 75,824 AD”

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