How has seeing your GP been for you lately

This is me, I have read my report and appreciate am not trained but how they interpret these images is both baffling and awe inspiring.
Processing: Me 2.bmp…
Me 2

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You’ve got lovely ears. lol

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Umm…what is this? It looks like a scan of your head, as if someone is looking down on you as you face front…ears at the side, and the nose at the top.

disclaimer: I am not well versed in medicine, scans, or anything of that nature.

You had me fooled, I was just about to PM you about a lump I have in my nether regions. :rofl: :rofl:

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I should also have mentioned my overly ham fisted approach to examinations…mainly consisting of bashing to see how loud you yell. If you have energy to shout, you aren’t in pain. :roll_eyes: :joy:

Ah ha a dominatrix.

I’m not an expert, but one thing which is fairly easy is to compare both sides.
You seem to have a lot of gunk in one of your maxillary sinuses!
(Incidentally, they could have positioned your head a little straighter.)

To interpret the scan results properly, you would have to know how a completely perfect head scan compares to your film. I would expect the consultants to have full trained in all aspects of scan interpretation; whereas we can only take an uniformed guess.

Is gunk a medical term as I do not see it mentioned in the report? :grinning: :grinning:

They probably don’t talk about snot as it’s impolite.

Without going into detail I have chronic nasal ulcers which I am afraid because of the poor treatment by my ENT consultant has meant they have gone unchecked, what you see is scabbing, on the other side I have lost most of the inside of my nose. This needs to be properly investigated according to the radiographer which I hope to discuss later today with my GP.
My CT scan results were an eye opener but have led to more questions than answers. :grinning: :grinning:

Sorry to hear that Mr F. Yes, you should keep dogging…
er, let me rephrase that:
you should keep nagging at your GP to follow such things up.
I believe that they eventually extract their digits when they’ve had enough encouragement!

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How that will help my nose I have no idea but advice taken. :grinning: :grinning:

oh you boys :roll_eyes: :joy: I said earlier there was something in the air…oh wait…its Spring, of course!

I get the feeling that you women like to see things in written comments which were never really intended. Dirty minds!

Speak for yourself. :grinning: :grinning:

I think some potassium bromide would be a more useful spray!

Oh silly me, I should have realised you meant being out and about walking the dogs! My apologies, I shall take your comments quite literally from now on :joy:

Of course you did. Just as people only take their dogs for a walk in the Spring.

My practice is not bad when comes to the standard of doctors and most seem to give a damn though there is one who has been there donkeys years who’s answer to everything is pills and will not accept it if you disagree with his diagnosis even when you know it to be wrong, i have avoided him for 30 odd years. :smiley:

Without a doubt the older you get the less empathy you get from the medical profession, the amount of times I have been told that “oh well its comes with age” I have found though the younger the doctor the more I felt they gave a damn though I did meet one resident in hospital who I refused ever to meet again as she seemed to hate older folk.

I think these days you have to be more pushy though of course that can have consequences but i do feel we are allowing the medical profession to get away with sub standard care on the back of COVID, I have just requested a second opinion out with my health board given my lack of confidence, this has not gone down well and I expect consequences. :smiley::smiley: