How Good Are You

At Time Keeping?
Also how good are your family members at time keeping?
I have always been good at time keeping.

My son is terrible at it,:open_mouth:

Iā€™m one of those boring people who are always early , I am never late . I just cant be late because I get into a fluster if I am . Often there first too :slightly_smiling_face:

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Me too, I have always been punctual, even when I have to go for scans at the hospital,Iā€™m usually an hour early, so I have a wander around the grounds or go for a coffee.

I usually get to where Iā€™m supposed to be on time or earlier. Can be a bit of a nightmare sometimes trying to gauge how long it will take if it requires a longish drive or using sometimes unreliable public transport. :man_shrugging:t2:

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Never late for anything, when I was working I was always half hour early.
I hate it when people are late and you are just standing around waiting for them.


Always early, my daughter - always late

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More often than not I am early but with one exception, never late. That exception is if driving and held up by traffic or road conditions, even though I will have allowed for these, just in case. However, if that happens and rather than rush, I am mindful of the old saying ā€œbetter to arrive late than dead on timeā€!

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I would not say ā€˜boringā€™, Susan, but otherwise would agree with you. I am never late - and I never wait around for those who are!

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Iā€™ m always early.When I first came to Oz I arrived at Heathrow the day before just to be sure.I got to know the terminal very well.Bit of a culture shock here though,being late is very Australian.

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My son is a terrible time keeper, heā€™s been known to turn up here at 1 am for his supper, he starts work around 12 noonā€¦alright for the boss ainā€™t it,:joy:

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I would hate to be late anywhere. Like others have said I tend to arrive early for appointments. Then I sit in my car and read until the allotted time arrives. Both of my sons are good timekeepers - I suppose they learned that from their mother!

1am? Itā€™s a bit late for his supper :laughing:

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Good job Iā€™m his mum,:open_mouth::joy:

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I hate being late but sometimes itā€™s unavoidable if, like us, you use public transport a lot.

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I use public transport, rather than be late, Iā€™ve turned up 3 hrs early sometimesā€¦they wonā€™t tolerate lateness at the hospital I visit.

If we have a hospital appointment then we get the car out and make sure weā€™re there a few minutes early.

My son usually takes me to these appointments, but on occasions when heā€™s away on business, I have to get the busā€¦so always make sure I get the early one.