How far down the ladder

Do you have to be to be this person?
Screenshot 2022-02-18

They are getting paid for it,Danny, her/ his choice to risk their life, some will do about anything for money.


They couldn’t pay me enough for this! The Anchor’s reaction is null and void, no emotion.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t view that video.

Just watched it on YouTube,Danny, I can’t understand what you’re saying, she got hit, she said she was ok, she then carried on and finished her report, she was checked out at the hospital, I saw concern from the other presenters, so it looks like we all pick up on situations like this differently.


How far down the ladder ? well there’s only one place to go from the bottom.

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I have never understood why TV News feels the need to report live from situations that could be explained with a voice over from the studio and film taken from a safer location. Seems daft to me but it appears than pictures and drama are more important than the information,

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Coincidentally, my daughter shared a video on Facebook this morning, and I thought “where have I seen that woman before?” Oh yes, on here!