How "Embedded With Your Political Party" Are You?

I’m not asking Who you vote for, I’m not asking which Party you are in.

However, I would like to know if you are embedded, long term in your Party, or whether you change with the latest times?

How often do you switch?

I know some who follow the traditional “Family Political Thinking”, usually because of the background, and others who change, almost monthly, with every new Government edict.

Please wander off topic if you wish, but stick to it if you can!

I think we’ve, already, exhausted this week’s supply of “Doings by our hated Politicians” but, surely, they are all the same, don’t you think?

So, Are You a “Dyed In The Wool” voter?

Are you a paid up Party Member?

Some thoughts, from abroad, would, also, be good!

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I’ve switched a few times. Cynicism and disillusion the main reasons. The whole lot of them are self seeking egotistical hypocrites. As is said "If Voting Made a Difference, They Wouldn’t Let Us Do It’


Interesting question here. I have been a registered Republican, and a registered Democrat throughout the years. This is only to say that it allows me to vote in the primaries, to pick the candidate for the general election.
I follow politics religiously (yes, I made that comparison) every since I was old enough to vote.
I vote for the person, not the party.
I vote for integrity, truthfulness to the citizens whether it’s good or bad news, and morals. They don’t have to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but they have to be wise enough to listen to advisers and absorb the information before making a dicision that will affect the entire country, if not the world and our allies. In looking back to our former presidents, it is remarkable that I seemingly made the right choice. I wouldn’t have changed a single vote. I recall almost never agreeing with my mom about political candidates.
Politics is one area I cannot be swayed when I have the facts before me and good judgment on my side. Yes, at times the choices aren’t always who I would have picked, but it is a democracy, and it’s not just my own opinion. I love the USA.


Thanks for the reply, RN!

Where you say “I vote For the Person, not the Party” it, immediately minded me of our (UK) policy of parachuting the Party favoured into the solid “that way” population (constituency), to ensure they get in - however useful they may not be.

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We really need to do better here. Sarcasm intended.

As do I. I’m just not crazy about everything we do and the way we go about it. IMHO

Sorry about that everyone knows I’m a hardnosed cynic. :grinning:


I am not ‘embedded’ into any political party or organisation. There was a time when I as a staunch supporter of The Conservative and Unionist Party and have been so since I joined The Young Conservatives at 18. However since that less that sincere self serving Cameron became PM, my interests have waned. I did stray across to place my X with UKIP to force Cameron’s hand into giving the referendum and since then my disillusionment has increased to such an extent, my leaning is not in any direction; I guess I am now what is termed a floating voter. If someone has enough spine to oust Boris, then I might change my view of the political scene. Then of course, we are faced with who is he replaced with; frying pan and fire come to mind :man_shrugging: Now all this said, I could never ever vote for Captain Hindsight aka Max Headroom, the failed DPP :wink:


I cringe when I see, or hear, a lot of our UK History, and it does come up quite often, I usually hide behind the "It was before my time " excuse.

But we did some good things, as well, and, like you, I’m proud of that!


@Danny, you are a thinker, not a sheep following the last bit of misinformation you heard. We need more thinkers, many, many, many more thinkers. If folks would use common sense, and do their part to help make the smaller communities a better place to live, the bigger parts of the country would greatly benefit.

Honestly, I have been called a cynic and wear it well. :slightly_smiling_face:


I agree, Tedc…and you should be proud!


I think I’m in love. If you’re running I’ll vote for you. It sounds so simple, but people just don’t get it. Solutions to communal problems have to come from within. All change is initiated from within. We get caught up in the symptoms. Mass shootings, gang violence, drugs etc. What we are dealing with is a couple of generations of youth with no direction, because we destroyed the family model with the introduction of Baby Daddy. Making the man responsible for the conception and nothing more.
Damn didn’t notice I was on my soap box. :smiling_imp:


It has been asked of me a few times to run in my own town, but it is better I share my opinions and thoughts in small places. I will supply you a new soapbox should you wear out the current one. You are a keeper.

I would vote for the one man/woman who got up there and said. Doesn’t have to be verbatim, but in essence “I don’t know what kind of mess I’m actually walking into, but I will endeavor to do my best to get it back where we want it.” The “it” being government of course. Don’t promise me anything else. Just get in there and overhaul some of this crap (really hard to keep my language clean when I discuss politics!) that doesn’t work anymore. I am a reasonable man. If my life raft has a hole I patch it, but when the raft is nothing but one big patch, I don’t know maybe it’s time to look at a new raft. We are operating under systems designed hundreds of years ago and we keep upgrading instead of remaking.
Problem being the systems never worked to begin with. But what do we like to say. It may not be a perfect system, but it’s what we’ve got. I unfortunately don’t have any answers, just tons of questions… :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


For those of you from overseas or not familiar with the freedom of speech allowed in England, then you might be interested in Speaker’s Corner at Hyde Park.
Speakers’ Corner - Hyde Park - The Royal Parks


I’d love to see each candidate, on his visit to my front door (which they only do every 4 years) present me with an independent list of what he/she voted for and what he/she voted against, assuming he/she was in the House for the last period.

Also, copies of which issues they actually raised in the House.

The accent is on “Independent” not cobbled up!


I’m not really embedded with a party, but I am embedded on the Left and have a deep ingrained dislike of the Tories, which probably does stem from my family and childhood.

I’m a dyed-in-the wool vote for anybody but the Tory! :triangular_flag_on_post:


I don’t like any of them.Why would anyone want to be a politician? Monetary gain or power probably,telling people what’s good for them ? No,we would be better off without them.

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What would we do instead?

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Before you and Mr Smith get into a Plato Republic discussion about politicians, …

On the whole, my instincts are pretty middle of the road and I tend to think that, by and large, one shouldn’t have fixed opinions. So, I tend to look at the situation at the time and try to fathom out who has the best set of policies which may resolve things, and vote for thrm even though some would say it is a wasted vote and that I should be more tactical.

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If you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding!
How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat?!
You! Yes, you, behind the bike sheds, stand still, laddy! … LOL!

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I don’t know but I’m sure you and I could come up with something better.

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