How do you wash your dog’s toys, and what with?

Can anyone please advise how best to wash Holly’s toys, while she is away next week? Gives me a chance to get them clean and dry. However, I am not sure what to use in the washing machine.

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Loads of information there as in what material are the toys, ie plastic or wool type? do they have glass eyes?
You could wash them in Vodka as a treat for Holly to enjoy. :roll_eyes:
Sorry could not resist the temptation

We don’t wash any, we just buy new, everyday.

Soft toys all go in the washing machine non bio powder , rubber balls and things hand wash washing up liquid

After a wash …any toys he’s not keen on I take to charity.

Thanks Ripple.

I use Ecover it’s non-bio and natural simply because that what I use on my own clothes
But if you are worried…after washing you could always do any extra rinse by hand .

Any washing up liquid that’s non-toxic is preferable for non material items. Any cord, rope types toys just ditch and get new ones.

For covers, beddings, I’d put them in their own cycle in washing machine with the same powder I used for my babies’ clothes.

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