How do you make yourself sleep when you can’t to get to sleep?

I have a TV/DVD in my bedroom so I will watch a movie or similar until my eyes droop closed then push the off button on the remote. Like last night.


I take an antihistamine

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By turning on a video on my phone, usually a discussion on YouTube which I watch via an app that removes all adverts which used to suddenly interrupt the peace.

I also watch vids on Rumble which is a fast growing alternative to YouTube

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Audio Book.


I do have a “Plum Village” app on my phone that always sends me to zzzz’ds. There is a section on there called “Listening to the rain veranda” which has various combinations or either nature sounds or nature combined with say cello music. I learned about Plum Village after reading the books of Thich Nhat Hanh.

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I have an echo dot speaker in my room which is handy for audible books and relaxing music, Baroque does the job. I tend to avoid any kind of screen time last thing at night, it’s too stimulating in the wrong kind of way and defo no coffee!

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I have no problem getting to sleep. I just have a problem staying asleep. I take sleeping medication, or I only sleep 2 or 3 hours.


Fortunately I never have had that problem Bretrick. But for me, there is nothing in the bedroom other than a Bed, a wardrobe with some out dated clothes in, a clock on the bedside table and some contraption that sends daily downloads of the condition of my heart to the hospital in Sheffield via the internet…All manner of sound and vision are banned from the bedroom, it’s solely for rejuvenating, restful and undisturbed sleep… :sleeping_bed:
:no_mobile_phones: :no_bicycles: :no_smoking: :no_pedestrians:

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Simply read a book on my kindle.

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I have suffered with insomnia for many years, brought on when I had chemotherapy - 3 hours is a good night for me! I have tried every “remedy” under the sun, sleeping pills (didn’t work), audio books, hypnotherapy, sounds of nature (whale song etc.) herbal remedies etc. etc. etc. Mentioned it to my neighbour who said he would be happy to hit me on the head with a mallet! (decided to give that one a miss!). If anyone does have a sure fire cure, please let me know!


I use a type of music/sound–it comes under various names–the God frequency being one of them or watch endless episodes of a quiet show… Oddly, I can fall asleep in a noisy room with low lights on but put me in a dark silent room, and nope. Sleep will not happen.

Some nights I just give in and don’t sleep. I stopped fighting insomnia a number of years ago, grateful that I am retired and there’s nothing I really “need” to do during most days. Whew.


I turn out the light at about 10pm, get restless if not dead within 5 minutes, pick up my phone google 60s song lyrics, sing myself to sleep. Very private singing, all in my head, no body else gets to hear it.


A couple of glasses of wine does it for me,and i don`t mean pint glasses :scream:

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I don’t have a TV or anything else in the bedroom but when I’m watching TV downstairs it’s usually a cooking programme or time team,then i fall asleep. Sometimes on YouTube or channel 4.
If i can’t get to sleep in bed i usually think of the sound of a stream, or try to relax myself starting with my feet upwards.

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To get to sleep i’m listening to The last devil to die by Richard Osmon on Borrowbox.
It’s even better than audiobook, and it’s free.
It’s marvellous.

I have never listened to an audio book. Maybe I will try it one day.

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Last night it was a cozy mystery audiobook. Another night it might be a guided meditation on Insight Timer. Weirdly, I often fall asleep to Lewis Capaldi interviews. Other times, I listen to sleep stories or on another app something called sleep journeys.

I have melatonin, but I don’t know if it works. By the time i try it, I’m so tired that I’d probably sleep anyway.

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