How Do You Like Your Sandwiches Cut? Square Or Triangle?

Oh ARE they? Thanks for that Tabby, I didn’t know…! :smiley: Well I’ll not be getting a club sandwich again, I can tell ya! :shock:

Not fussed, either way.

Why not - they are delicious!:smiley:

Apparently the bottom layer is supposed to be chicken and/or bacon and the top one salad - but I tend to make it up as I go along and chuck (technical term) in whatever comes to hand!:smiley:

Well they are delicious, yes…but I can’t eat anything else all day because they fill me up :frowning: Which is the point I know…but there was cake later and I couldn’t have any! :shock:

of course proper baked bread isn’t square. It’s an irregular oval type shape.

This is very true - and it would be a sacrilege to cut the crusts from such a loaf!:smiley:

That is true & mostly it’s delicious. Our Co-op has it some times, if I get there early enough to buy it, it’s baked by the Co-op & sells fast.

Ah - big disadvantage!

following on from my other post there is nothing nicer than having a nibble under the bedclothes

If it is a club sandwich, I much prefer triangles. Made with sliced turkey, sliced ham, bacon, lettuce, tomato and mayo.
Otherwise, I prefer my sandwiches cut on the bias, larger triangles.

once , in a posh hotel in the Philippines , I ordered a club sandwich, and I was served one made with fried egg, sliced onion, cheese, lettuce and tomato. I called for the chef, and told him how unhappy I was. I told him that what ever that sandwich was, it was NOT a club sandwich. I refused to eat it. and ordered a BLT instead.

the crusts are the best bit! Fresh bread still warm from the bakers slathered in butter.

I bet this is what the Queen eats at Balmoral where nobody can see.

Ditto! :cool:

I prefer my club sandwich with ‘added’ avocado.
It was the first thing I made my husband and he hated the avocado. :lol:

My bread is invariably frozen when I come to use it so I tend to make sandwiches in the frozen bread then wrap it in cling wrap to defrost. Trying to wrap cut a sandwich already cut is a bit of a bugger so I keep the sandwich whole and eat it as such.

When I do cut it I tend to cut diagonally, I still have a sandwich cutter thing from one of my ex wives - she was very fussy about these things - personally I never use it, getting it out of the drawer would take longer than cutting the sandwich.

My bread is always frozen because I use so little I would throw half the loaf away otherwise - when I buy a loaf I repackage the slices into freezer bags in pairs

I also buy wholemeal rolls by the dozen from my local Vietnamese bakery and freeze those individually wrapped too.

I have never heard of a “Club” sandwich so I wouldn’t care what was in it but I don’t really like sandwiches with lots of components because you might as well have a burger.

A sandwich is just a snack so anything more complicated than cheese, onion or tomato and pickle or chutney is not a sandwich but a meal. (I might throw in a few nasturtium leaves too)

Never heard of a sandwich cutter, Bruce, I find a sharp knife works well enough!

I can’t say I blame him. Avocado does not belong in a club sandwich. Some folks put very strange things in a sandwich … especially hamburgers. The Aussies actually put sliced beet root on their burgers. OMG Yuck !

A sandwich is just a snack ? I don’t know what you have been eating but in the U.S. many types of a sandwiches are a serious meal.
Below is a photo of a “Philly mushroom, cheese steak”. usually offered as a 12 incher (30 cm.) Traditionally made with sliced rib-eye steak. Finish that and I guarantee you are FULL.

You may well find that but you misunderstand the purpose of the guide illustrated.

It doesn’t cut the sandwich it still needs a sharp knife. If you look at the picture the device holds the sandwich or, more importantly sandwiches flat while you cut them by putting a knife in the vertical handle part. It merely acts as a guide for an accurate diagonal cut, it also keeps the sandwiches flat and stops the sandwiches falling apart.

it is really intended for sandwich shops and deli’s where many sandwiches are prepared and where presentation is important.

That’s my point it is a snack not a meal to me as I said I don’t like sandwiches with many fillings.

BTW the thing you illustrated is not a sandwich but a roll, a sandwiches uses two slices of bread from a loaf, that thing is uses a roll or indeed a small loaf - altogether a different thing. I have been to Subway!

You wouldn’t describe a hamburger as a sandwich would you?