I listened to it explained in The Commons, but profess ignorance as to whether this will assist those that need it most. What are your thoughts? Is it a coincidence that it comes now? A smokescreen?
I changed it. You were right. Wrong article.
Thanks I was listening to more about the UK Relief package, but I get lost in the UK terminology. Such as when they talk about bands A-D and such. I was just curious if this was going to be helpful, or is it just trying to remove the spotlight from BJ?
Bands A-D are How your house is rated for council tax.
C, the rate will go up at least as the same as the rebate if not more, meaning there’ll be no better off imo.
That was the feeling I was getting when listening this morning.
There is such thing as a free lunch.
Over here as usual stupidity reigned. They gave out cheques called Economic Impact Payments, however they gave them when the only thing open was essential services. They were meant to stimulate an economy that wasn’t even running. Really dumb.
One thing this government IS good at, is U turns, so never take anything stated as gospel
It was D before two extensions, but to date no increase as expected to E. . prolly too much bother for the rating department😁
@LongDriver @caricature
So this is similar to our Income Tax, and the bands are just varying income brackets. It throws me the use of the word council, but then I remember that the UK isn’t divided the way the US is. A lot of what you refer to as council, falls under the guise of the particular state you are in here. You call Government housing Council Houses. Here the are simply referred to them as housing projects and qualifications can vary from state to state, with the government giving guidelines for example. A really good example of this is he fact 18 states have legalized marijuana, however it is still illegal federally. When you move from one state to another your taxes are affected because each state has it own set of taxes to add to the federal taxes you’re already paying.
The average US paycheck has the following deductions
Federal Income Tax
Social Security Tax
F.I.C.A. Federal Insurance Contributions Act and is deducted from each paycheck
State Income Tax
Local (City) Income Tax
Health Insurance (if you have any, some companies pay this(rarely).
Those are the ones I can remember, I’m sure I’m missing some.
@Danny , l have just heard that the rebate they are ‘giving’ us to
alleviate the increase will be repaid by us over six years by
by adjustments to the new tariffs!
So as always we pay Danny ??
Someone has to support the sh_t show.
(I was a lot less interested in economic stimulus than the deeply concerning move of ANY democratic government that would mandate that people were not permitted to work or run a business for anything but a very, very short period of time. Yielding personal power to a government had darned well better result in full compensation for those who want it. Period. Do it long enough, and you’d better be prepared to put it up for a vote. That vote is going to be here in the US in the form of mid-term elections in November.)
Council tax is set on the Value of the house which are set at different rates depending on what band they are in.