How do birds die?

Do most of them die of old age?
Do they die while flying or when asleep?
Do more birds die from predators than naturally?
Rarely, if ever do I see a dead bird, apart from those hit by vehicles.

they say that many are killed by cats but I find that hard to believe. Our cats never had much luck. Birds will have bird predators. We once had a sparrow hawk eating a pigeon in the garden. There was a great deal of upset from other pigeons, very noisy.

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The weather can kill a few off as well, I found a little bird dieing from the cold ,maybe it was already ill, I put it in a box in the house and when I went back to it it was dead .

I see a few birds killed by vehicles at the side of the road , and of course theres Bird Flu…I saw something on video of a Murmuration and they all swooped down and hit the pavement killing a few , theres many ways they meet their death.

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I’ve seen birds snagged out of the air by hawks, I’ve seen birds drawn in livestock water troughs. I’ve seen them hit by cars. I’ve seen snake grab birds. I’ve seen cats snag birds. I’ve seen fox’s grab birds. I’ve seen birds grab others birds chicks in the nest, seen snakes do that to. Certain fowl are hunted, pheasant, dove, ducks, geese.
And I’ve found dead birds with no apparent cause of death.

Usually heart failure.


Often, when birds, as other animals, are wounded or ill, they seek cover in a nest or wooded area where they are somewhat protected. So, we wouldn’t see them lying about dead out in the open.
Unless there was prey after them, and they got caught.

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