How did you know when you were in love?

What age was that? Most boys get them before they’re born.

My uncle had always been good to me when I was a kid, and we’ve always been close. After I moved back to the West Country at the tender age of eighteen I was able to see him more frequently than before. When he remarried in the mid-seventies I gained a new aunt and two new cousins.

I carried on visiting as I had before, often thinking, “I’m going to see my uncle and his new family today.”
The girls and I hit it off and despite not being blood relatives, and despite me being much older, the three of us quickly became close friends.
After a few years I found myself thinking, “I’m going to visit my cousins, and my uncle and aunt today.”
Gradually the younger girl and I started to grow closer still, and one day I found myself thinking, “I’m going to see her and her family today,” then stopped in my tracks. The younger girl had become the main reason why I visited, and that was when I realised I was starting to fall in love with her.

We started dating when she was seventeen, at her insistence, to the surprise of absolutely nobody on either side of our family, and I truly knew then that I was in love.

I’ve fallen in love with her many, many times since then. The day she said yes when I proposed, on our wedding day, when she told me she was pregnant, when our first son was born, when the judge signed the adoption order for our second son, and every day I have woken up next to her in the forty years we have been married.

Foxy hit the nail on the head. My Lovely Cousin is always on my mind.


What a lovely Love Story …


I second that Eliza. What a great story with a beautiful ending…


In the Cinema.
When my Nylon shirt, became up close and personal with her Angora sweater.
The ‘Static’. Appeared to caused the audience, to nod their heads in approval.
The film was famous for. “Windmills of the Mind” :rofl:

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When Henry licked me.


When my lead singer gave me a lingering kiss after a number and I couldn’t play anymore. So much so my rhythm guitarist had to take up the lead position as I sat on the stage’s edge while my ole ticker sorted itself out.
That was a lifetime ago and we’ve been blissfully happy ever since💓


she told me i was in luv…


And was she right? I bet she was. :wink:

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of course she was, but some guys need telling, they think its a virus…


Ah, yes, one of those dreaded viruses that becomes a disease there is no cure for. :grimacing:


Has there ever been one thing, said or done, that made you instantly fall out of love with someone?

I think that is a question for a thread all of its own.


Oh boy…where do I start? Yes, another new thread would be good.

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It’s really complicated starting a new thread on here, I’ve tried and failed, but please do have a go, I’m sure it would produce some hilarious stories.

You do have to jump through a few ‘hoops’ but once you’ve satisfied the system, you will have new thread about a new topic … even I have managed it :+1:

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