Housebound due to unforseen circumstances

Actually, it was. :grinning:

I missed bin collection day as well Harbal - irritated about that!

Welcome to my world!


Hope you didn’t meet Pauline in there…she will never forgive you Harbie…
or maybe it should be addressed to Harpbal

It makes no difference what I do any more, the point at which Pauline will never forgive me is long past. :icon_wink:

I would wonder what the Vicar thought of you interrupting his sermon…Or maybe he joined in., :innocent:

What is your actually trying to Burn, Dexo?

Take it you’ve never watched Skyfall?

that sounds like a Bond Film?
my husband said yes, :nerd_face: but then he says yes to everything…


Means absolutely nothing to me…I have watched some past Bond Films but find it hard to sit through anything on TV
…nothing new though…was ok with Peyton Place and Twin Peeks… :thinking:

He would never have known had the sexbot not cried out: “oh God!”, which it is programmed to do when I press a button on the back of its head. It’s my own fault; I should have turned the volume down beforehand. :icon_redface:

There’s always hope Harbal