House Sale & Move, 2nd attempt!

It sounds good to me Steve it brightens up the house and makes you feel as your doing them a service, but not always? Don’t over do it, as some don’t alway’s appreciate it :slight_smile:

My first viewer that called last week is coming back tomorrow for a second viewing and seems very interested, fingers crossed :slight_smile:

Sounds promising, stevmk2.
To those trying to sell, just remember it only takes one interested person and that will happen. I put my house on the market in June, all online and with signs I had made. Had a few enquiries early on, and three or four viewings, one guy coming three times to view. He made an offer, but it was way too low. Then a lull, a couple of enquiries and viewings in August, and at the beginning of this month I had two more interested viewers. Both made offers. I was very happy to be in the position to choose my buyers, who I knew absolutely loved the house and plan for it to their ‘forever home’. So when I get home, I will be fully occupied with clearing out and packing to move in November.

Oh, and since selling, despite marking all my online ads ‘sale agreed STC’ I’ve had several more enquiries! But I’ve given my word to my buyers that I will not take any more viewings.

Buyers are out there, just be patient.

It’s sold already orangutan!

It’s finding a new home that’s proving difficult. stevmk2

The people from last week are due to come back for a second look in 30 mins YIKES!!

Steve i know what you mean about finding the right house once you have a buyer, i know for sure that all the ones i saw last month have now gone so god knows what we’ll do if they put a bid in tomorrow or settle a price tonight?

We were in the same boat Sur and now are trying to find a home ASAP.

Our buyer rents in London and has said she’s happy to wait but for how long? :105:

Good Luck Sue! stevmk2

Yes, I know, but I was posting for others trying to sell.

Well done, that was so quick, orang-utan - debating whether to put ours up for sale :017:

Well they came and brought a friend with them this time? It was all touch and go and frightening as i didn’t want the friend to put them off, as he had bought 2 houses before and the couple were first time buyers so i was a little nervous.
Anyway i found out that they still like the house and might be sending someone to check out if there’s some damp in a certain area.
But as i was told from the Agents they have another house to view first… So i’m sat here limbo at the moment :slight_smile:

Nerve-racking isn’t it Sue?!

Hope you get the result that you need. stevmk2

Always worth considering renting for a while rather than risk losing the sale, and cash in the bank is a handy negotiating tool when you do find the right property.

We’d thought of that plantman but our income is quite low and even a 1-bed place is very expensive around here and you are tied into at least 6 months of rental plus a large deposit with some.

I have however approached a small hotel near us and they are looking into a flexible arrangement which they are hinting would be quite cheap, especially over the next few months but then we’d have to find storage for our stuff on top so it’s not really an option but I will check before writing it off.

Thanks for the thought though! stevmk2

Caravan for a while ? could get one quite cheap at this time of year and you can sell it after you have a place of your own, still need storage though so may be not best idea…

Thought about that Julie but the outlay’s just too much and we would still have the storage problem.
Renting a caravan is much the same as renting a house / flat - too much of an outlay and months to get back any deposits - our son’s the expert on this and his experiences have been horrendous! stevmk2

Thanks Steve :slight_smile:

Hi Steve i’ve just had a look at the Big Yellow storage company and there’s one in your area at Winterhill in Milton Keynes it say’s it could be less that £3.60 a week and their open till 6pm each day :slight_smile:

It’s more than 20 years since I bought a house chain free and I’d now like to move on but I don’t know how the buying/selling works!
What happens if you find your dream home but yours isn’t sold, do you lose out? it skeers me to death just thinking about it!:shock:

I’ve lost two so far so yes you do lose out, but never mind there’s always more that come along…

yea but it can cost you a fortune in the process

Our concern was losing our buyer - again - and, rightly or wrongly Honey, we thought she’d fit in here perfectly so we are worried about losing her but you can’t really consider someone else can you?!

There’s also now the problem of fitting in my new medical “needs” etcetera around moving as I can’t pick and choose my Cochlear and Audiology dates to fit it all in.

My wife says she’ll cope but we need family to rally round and at the moment they’re all preoccupied with their own problems bar one who has offered to come up from Devon, stay as long as need be, for me.

Quite touched by that as he’s my stepson and although I always worried about him it is only lately that he is coming to the fore - even before my own daughter.

I knew his potential - I’m his Dad by proxy! - but I am humbled now by his sentiment and caring so much.
Must have done some things right…stevmk2

We’ve had a series of emails from the people who are going to do the conveyancing for us - WHEN we find a home for ourselves.
The annoying thing is that our agents have started this by updating us AND these conveyancers without first checking with us!

We now have these Solicitors asking us for money to do Searches when we have no properties yet to research!

This is the very thing that I was concerned about committing to a Conveyancer online.

Common Sense has been retired here and my carefully-worded email has been ignored 'cos no we have money-hungry solicitors almost demanding money to carry out services we do not require at this time!

I am on the verge of telling our agent we are withdrawing because they’ve over-stepped their authority.

P****d off doesn’t even cover how I feel right now. stevmk2