For what it’s worth, this is just a ramble that I’m rambling on about concerning the NHS. And I shall run away from any flak that comes my way from spouting it.
I gave up working in the NHS around 13 yrs ago after about 30yrs working in various guises and then I meandered into the private hospitals hereabouts.
Going private is far better care wise obviously, should one be lucky enough to afford it that is. Specialists hospitals are good too, certainly the noted cancer hospital up this way was, and also a hospital specifically for the care of the elderly was, which is no longer there.
It’s general hospitals I have a beef with and general wards, rather than specialist wards.
It’s a stupid thing to say, but for me the staff who get the thumbs up for showing more kindness, interest in the pts themselves and showing a bit of compassion, not to mention cheering people up … were the porters. Those poor underpaid foot soldiers walking miles every day and night that are so under rated. They didn’t just pick up and deliver pt’s wherever … they treated them as people, an actual human being, not someone on a conveyor belt.
Yes, for sure, a good number of nurses were/are pure gold, but you have to pick through the dross to find nurses as good as they were way back when. There’s just too many pts on that never ending conveyor belt and not enough staff to give anyone proper care or even time anymore. It’s the way the system is now, which is awful. Thank goodness for kind cheery porters.
My PITA ex is now a year down the line (or it might be a tad over that now), after being a pt in 5 different hospitals, admitted 9 times with one stint in a care establishment (pre going home). He’s just been discharged yet again after yet another op trying to correct the initial op that was cocked up a year ago. His problems are still ongoing - he’s been told it will be approx a year until he can walk again. So that’s two years all told of being in pain and unable to walk because they got it wrong. And he says he’s seen too many nurses who simply don’t really care anymore. In his head he often thought ‘I am not just a number’.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not worried about him one bit, just highlighting the ‘Care in The NHS’, which frankly isn’t up to much any more. My elderly friend contracted two infections on two separate admissions, one of which saw her off. I myself have contracted infections after ops too, as probably you all know of someone who has too.
I know there are plenty who praise and have faith in the NHS, and that’s good. But after seeing all sides, being a pt or working there, personally I don’t. It’s not worth the paper it’s written on now. It’s almost guaranteed one will receive poor treatment, lack of care, having belongings nicked or lost and more besides. As regards food, if you’ve not been forgotten that is, one is never sure what that spoonful of something on the plate actually is.
My thoughts for a long time have been if you need to be admitted into hospital, expect to go home in a worse condition.
(Please excuse my humour below, no offence is intended) …
… But it’s ok in the mortuary …