Homelessness has spiked

Do you mean “sectioned” AT. What you say is true, but the NHS is woefully short of capacity in MH services.

Thank you Bakerman, and I completely agree with you! :023:

During lockdown level 5, our homeless people were provided with tent cities. It ended after lockdown. Private companies and individuals together with Non-profit organisations assist to care for our homeless people.

None of our homeless people made a choice to live on the streets. Some have mental health problems. We try our best to help but poverty is a real issue in my country.

you give an opinion like you think it is set in stone…

remember it is Your opinion and not others that have chosen to post,.can you see that others do not agree with you…No you cannot you are on track as the most self opinionated person ever to be part of a forum…look back at you…something I had to do at one time…

It is a FACT that no-one needs to live rough in the UK.

Then please provide irrefutable evidence.

The welfare state.

You seem to be in an agreeable mood today Pixie ??


Basil never provides anything to back up what he says. He has that old fashioned “Dickensian” idea of hubristic righteousness… He believes his verbal diarrhoea is axiomatic. He needs to do nothing but speak…and we will…or ruddywell should!..tremble and obey. Especially the “inferior” races. He is a legend in his own mind. Good grist for comedy though. Although i still prefer Fawlty. :wink: Gday Donkster. Air gun cobber? And Pixie…howzit?..:slight_smile:

Well Said @keezoy …All those in Favour say Aye…

Plenty to read facts on the web…some certainly are misleading and some are very close to what is actually occurring in today Society…

So Different than when the Welfare Service started Out…

Much More Fairly Distrbuted for One Thing…

Thanks Dianne. :slight_smile:

Donkeyman, I am always agreeable, am I not? Oh apart from that one time when…yeah, and that other time when someone said…ok, I’ll amend that to generally agreeable :mrgreen:

Here’s some “pop-up” temporary accommodation in London. I’ve heard of shipping containers being used too.

Shipping Containers have been used for a fair time now and not necessarily for the homeless, at all…

What bright colours…Feels so Countrified, not

Just trying to imagine the interiors now. Possibly though, glad it has a roof…and…

I welcome a different perspective- provided it can be substantiated with facts.
No facts = an opinion that I may not necessarily agree with :075:

DooD we recycle shipping containers here as well to support micro businesses. It’s a win-win !

Well the presence of the UK welfare state is conclusive proof that there is absolutely no need for anyone to live “in the gutter”.

Personally I would like to see the emergence of some form of communal living together with work where possible to offset the costs. Call it a workhouse if you want but need not be cruel and inhuman places such as in times past and in addition it would free up housing and reduce costs. All good. And I’m being VERY serious

Always thought you were a closet communist at heart TAT. :lol::lol:


Think again!

I read that book and have to say a good friend of mine whose brother lived on the streets due to drugs and drink mainly drink he said to his sister the same almost “people give you food, bottle water, Lucozade, bags chips, pasties; its crap all want is the money to get a drink or drugs”