Home Gardens

Wow that’s some delphinium LD a lovely colour too.

All the gardens shown are lovely I will take pictures of mine once the rain decides to stop. I wish wish wish I had a bigger garden :slight_smile:

I love you gardens,Nicol,…i will be hacking mine back,…i have done so in the past,and it grows back a lot denser,…

maybe everyone could post,more pics of their gardens,…say in August, just to see how everything has grown.

That Delphinium, is a “whopper” LD,…Lupins as well,…have you watched Chelsea flower show?..

All these lovely gardens make me feel guilty mine is such a mess I have millions of forget me nots everywhere so no room to put the bedding plants .
Must pull them out but I love their little blue flowers…

To be honest Muddy,I will only cut my trees back,the rest i will leave, to grow wild,my nature loves it,and that is what my garden is about really,…i am watching the birds feeding their young,they love to be hidden,…i also have 2 hedgehogs visit last year,haven’t seen them yet though.

I think by the end of summer,my garden will have covered all the stepping stones,that is what i want,wildlife at the side,where the robins nested and raised their young,also blue tits,who are still feeding their young,i will make do,with the tiny front bit,sit and have a coffee,and watch the wildlife.

I have taken pics at ground level,hopefully by August, it will all have overgrown.can you see the hedgehog box?

Lovely pics Pauline but I can’t see it the hedgehog house .

Here is the most respectable part of my garden.
The pig needs attention.

Ha! Love the little piggy muddy :slight_smile:

I like plants and I like colour :blush:

These are pics of my garden a couple of years ago…



Hanging basket


Double Planter


Hanging Basket




These are beautiful !

i have actually been to the Chelsea flower show but it’s nothing like you see on TV. Far too many people and all the gardens have to viewed from too far away. Much better view on telly.

Fantastic Mags

Lovely seeing all your gardens :slight_smile:

My goodness what a colourful show Mags :smiley:

Thanks Pauline, they were a real mess a couple of years ago, it’s taken 2 summers of hard graft to get them up to scratch.

They looked quite good in spring but I sort of ruined them by hacking so much back but there was a method to my madness. I lose my green bin in either June or July (green bin is for garden waste, council are going to charge £50 per year from this summer for them and I’m not paying it on principal) so I really needed to get everything chopped back so I could get rid of the cuttings before the bin goes.

Plus I cut down all the climbers against the side/back fence so I could paint it. Hopefully it’ll all grow back!

Nice garden Gill :cool:

All i am responsible for in mine is the grass :cool::slight_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile: my garden is quite small and I sometimes go a bit OTT packing everything in to it! :blush::smiley:

Mags, those flowers are really beautiful.
Now tell me something please.
I’m as bad as you with all my pots and tubs, but am finding the compost a bit of a chore each year.

Do you empty your tubs out and start afresh each spring, or do you just top up with new compost and add fresh plant food in?

Thank Mups :slight_smile: I empty all my annuals pots and tubs when they have finished flowering after the summer and start anew with fresh compost in clean pots in the Spring. All the old compost I dig into the garden as long as it doesn’t have lots of roots or bugs in it :slight_smile: