Holly looking cute

A recent photo of Holly. As a test.


@Jazzi Hi Jazzi :grinning: Holly does indeed look cute :icon_cool:.

I know how much you wanted a dog and I am guessing that little white bundle has totally changed your life :icon_cool:
I hope Holly is enjoying the new house and being out of London.

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@Jazzi Holly looks very relaxed in her bed Jazzi :grinning:



A very chilled looking dog.


@Meg, oh she has! Wouldn’t be with out her. Yes, she loves it here, and we have some lovely carers and a Creche, for when I need some time free.
@Mags @swimfeeders she is resting her head on one paw on the edge of the bed, which gives her that cute, chilled and relaxed look.
I watch her as she sleeps and still marvel that she’s mine. She makes many friends on each and every walk, as she is so happy and friendly.

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well tested Jazz, i need to try a piccie

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Yep, certainly passed the cute test… :joy:

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Thanks @macywack and @Barry.

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@Jazzi She looks absolutely gorgeous :two_hearts:

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@Rhian thank you kindly. I feel blessed.

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Awww, lovely.
I would post one of our Ninja hamster sleeping too except there’s nothing to see except for a small ball of fur surrounded by multicoloured bedding. :rofl:

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@Zaphod give it a test run! Mine was for that reason.

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Test passed. She is gorgeous totally gorgeous , this is Alfie my Brothers Westie he was about 3 or 4 here.


Okay, but of the Ninja hamster’s home since there’s little chance of seeing anything much of her.
The “palace” which yes, is just for one solitary and rather spoiled Syrian hamster.


What a lovely photo @Kazz.


i could live in a place like that

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Max my grandoggychild! :grin:


Oh @Rhiann, I think I’m in love … what an absolutely adorable photo.

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Wow and Wow how fantastic like the idea of the Ninja name to having ad hamsters as a child their escape mechanism is fully attuned to freedom.

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Awwww what breed is Max usually I am good but the cuteness is my excuse for not knowing. LOL

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