
Hello I am Felicity from Manchester UK:-D

Hello Felicity :slight_smile: welcome.I look forward to chatting with you.

Hello Felicity :slight_smile: Welcome to a friendly forum :smiley:

Hi Felicity. I’m from just down the road from you in Wigan. Welcome to the Over 50s. You’ll enjoy it here. Get stuck in lass. :smiley:

Hi Felicity, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Hello welcome to OFF’ers hope you like it here :slight_smile:
My first riding instructor had the same name as you but I could never remember it so I called her Facility lol

You’re very welcome here Felicity, I look forward to reading your posts…:smiley:


Hello Felicity.Hope you have fun here…:-)[/CENTER]

Welcome Felicity. This is a lovely friendly forum. Enjoy :smiley:

Hello Felicity, welcome to the best forum around.

A big welcome Felicity, nice to have you aboard and I am sure you are going to enjoy being a member of this friendly forum, look forward to your contributions.

Hi Felicity, a warm welcome to you on a very cold February. Hope there is some topic to interest you on the forum.

Hello Felicity, a warm welcome to you - I hope you enjoy the forum :smiley:

Hello and welcome to the forum.:slight_smile:


welcome to the forum

Hello Felicity,
Welcome to the forum.
I am from the north side of Grt Manchester.
Hope you enjoy it here. :039::039:

Hello Felicity :039:

Hi, warm welcome, good to meet you…

Hiya Felicity, welcome to OFF. Sure you will enjoy being a member I am new and I love it.

xx :slight_smile:

Hello and welcome to you Felicity.