Hi there - just joined!

:-DWanted to be a part of something with like-minded people of a similar age. There’s Mumsnet and Netmums. Grandsnet. Pistonheads for car enthusiasts. Used to be Saga but it got too vitriolic and was wiped out! There’s craft forums and fish forums but I wanted to find something where I can dip in to all of those things plus more. Seems it is this, well I do hope so. Hello people!:smiley:

Hello and welcome Arcane :slight_smile:

Good afternoon darlin’ and welcome.

Hello Arcane :slight_smile: welcome…

Welcome to the forum Arcane…Yer, there’s a bit of everything on this site and will look forward to hearing from you…Except if you post in Games and Quizzes, I never go in there…It’s addictive and there are people posting in there I thought had left the forum years ago…:-D:-D:-D

Hello Arcane :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to Over50sForum…

Hello and welcome from me too :slight_smile:

Hello Arc, just jump right in, we will catch you and make you stay with us. We are a friendly bunch on here. There are many post to choose from, so get posting.

Looking forward to your chats.

Welcome Arcane.

As Old Grey Fox says, you will find them all here, mums, dads, grandmas, pistonheads, fish keepers, photographers, artists and silly sods like myself.

Hi Arcane, welcome. Look forward to your input on the forums. :lol:

Hi and welcome, arcane anomaly…I used to have that but my GP gave me some ointment that cleared it really quickly.