Hi, glad I found this forum

It’s my first over 50’s one :mrgreen:

I have a tough week next week so looking for some on line support?

Looking forward to meet everyone and I hope to chat and support others too.

I haven’t been on a chat forum for years, so glad to find this.


Welcome to the site Lolly. Plenty of support on here along with a good dose of humour and a bit of serious debate to get your teeth into.

Hi Lolly and welcome to the OFF…You’ve come to the right place and I hope You settle in comfortably :wink:

Hi Lolly, big warm welcome from me ((Lolly))

Hello Lolly :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to Over50sForum…

Hello Lolly :slight_smile: welcome…

Welcome to the forum Lolly.

Sorry to hear you have a bad week approaching

Thanks, it should be one of the happiest times too. Fingers crossed it goes ok.

Thanks for the welcome everyone.


Hello Lolly

Sweetie x

Welcome from me too…the grumpy ancient Scot …with the lovely big hairy beast.
And I don’t mean my dear wife…:slight_smile:


Good evening Lolly darlin’ and welcome.

Hi Lolly, big welcome looking forward to chatting with all the new people.