Hi from geordie land

Hi every one I am new to this.
Not really sure what to say next so I am going to read some threads be back later. :smiley:

Hi Jax, welcome :023:

I see you cam from Dogsey - lots of dog lovers here so I’m sure you’ll feel right at home :slight_smile:

Hi Jax :039: welcome to the forum!

Feel free to join in any thread, relax, enjoy and you’ll soon get the hang of it :smiley:

Oh yes… and say whatever you want - some of us do waffle on a bit! :blush:

Hello from another newbie :slight_smile:

Hello Jax and welcome. Nice to meet you and you will enjoy it here, everyone is very friendly.

Take care:)

Hello Jax - welcome! I’m sure you’ll soon feel at home here. Just shout if you find a problem but hopefully you’ll just enjoy :slight_smile:

Hi Jax, welcome to the forum, I am also from Dogsey.

Hello Jax-nice to meet you-hope you enjoy the forum…

Hi jax and welcome…

Hello Jax, . . welcome to the forum bonny lass. :smiley:


Hello Jax :slight_smile: welcome …


Hello Jax :smiley:

Ive too have just joined, born and bred in Newcastle spent the first 40 years of my life there, and it will always be home:-)

Ha’way the lads:-)


Hello Jax, welcome to the forum.