Hi Folks

:lol::lol: I suppose with your hands tied - you weren’t able to read the timetable :lol:

Wow you don’t say ! No wonder I couldn’t find the ‘falls’ when I was last in London !!! :lol::lol:

Big Welcome, Nan!

Put the kettle on!


Good idea. :-p

yeah,good idea-get that kettle busy,Nan!

Oh-and Welcome! Sorry these tightwads gave you just one,honeybee.

[that’s three…worth a huge hug,I reckon…fnur,fnur…]

No hugs from me till the HobNobs come out. The double chocolate ones obviously. :lol:

Nan,you REALLY don’t want to see Longdog’s hobnobs!

He was waving them over his head when England got to the semi-finals of the World Cup! [NOT a pretty sight for the tv cameras to capture!]

Big Thank you Ted :slight_smile:

I did put kettle on - but you’d gone :slight_smile:

One huge one coming up

[SIZE=“7”]HUG[/SIZE] :mrgreen:

Your out of luck - sorry no hobnobs :lol:

Tis true. :blush:

I gotta hu-ug,I gotta hu-ug…Longdogs diiiidn’t,muh,muh,mu-muh,muh.

I got a BIIIIG hug…I love Nan,Nan loves me,
we’ll be kissing underneath the tree.
Longdogs sulking coz he didn’t get a hug
Nan loves Pugsy coz she’s caught the love-bug!


Pugsy - you heard the saying - Pride comes before a fall haven’t you - well …

Here’s a [SIZE=“7”]Hug[/SIZE] for Longdogs too :lol:


[I hate hugs anyway…HUH!]

Thank you Nan. :hug:

(See Pugs. it’s much better to play hard to get) :lol:

So I should have played hard to get and made you wait a few days before accepting your ‘friend request’ Longdogs ? :lol::lol:


It’s MY hug you got,Longdogs…and you KNOW it!


Actually Pugs - it wasn’t ‘your’ hug he got - you both got one - and before you say “ok but his was bigger” - it wasn’t - you both got same size :lol:

The friends request was simply a ruse to get a hug. :mrgreen:

Oh,they may have been the same ‘size’nan…but longdogs’ hug lasted longer than mine…snot fair…

Ahh right - so I can delete you from my friends now huh :lol::lol: