I suppose with your hands tied - you weren’t able to read the timetable
Wow you don’t say ! No wonder I couldn’t find the ‘falls’ when I was last in London !!!
I suppose with your hands tied - you weren’t able to read the timetable
Wow you don’t say ! No wonder I couldn’t find the ‘falls’ when I was last in London !!!
Big Welcome, Nan!
Put the kettle on!
Good idea. :-p
yeah,good idea-get that kettle busy,Nan!
Oh-and Welcome! Sorry these tightwads gave you just one,honeybee.
[that’s three…worth a huge hug,I reckon…fnur,fnur…]
No hugs from me till the HobNobs come out. The double chocolate ones obviously.
Nan,you REALLY don’t want to see Longdog’s hobnobs!
He was waving them over his head when England got to the semi-finals of the World Cup! [NOT a pretty sight for the tv cameras to capture!]
Big Thank you Ted
I did put kettle on - but you’d gone
One huge one coming up
Your out of luck - sorry no hobnobs
Tis true.
I gotta hu-ug,I gotta hu-ug…Longdogs diiiidn’t,muh,muh,mu-muh,muh.
I got a BIIIIG hug…I love Nan,Nan loves me,
we’ll be kissing underneath the tree.
Longdogs sulking coz he didn’t get a hug
Nan loves Pugsy coz she’s caught the love-bug!
Pugsy - you heard the saying - Pride comes before a fall haven’t you - well …
Here’s a [SIZE=“7”]Hug[/SIZE] for Longdogs too
[I hate hugs anyway…HUH!]
Thank you Nan. :hug:
(See Pugs. it’s much better to play hard to get)
So I should have played hard to get and made you wait a few days before accepting your ‘friend request’ Longdogs ?
It’s MY hug you got,Longdogs…and you KNOW it!
Actually Pugs - it wasn’t ‘your’ hug he got - you both got one - and before you say “ok but his was bigger” - it wasn’t - you both got same size
The friends request was simply a ruse to get a hug.
Oh,they may have been the same ‘size’nan…but longdogs’ hug lasted longer than mine…snot fair…
Ahh right - so I can delete you from my friends now huh