@Chojo Yes mate.
Good to see you brother
Oh, ok. We now in Doncaster - we moved up here to be closer to our kids. and grandkids and we retired for that reason. How about yourself?
I’ve always lived in the same small town of Sale which is in South Manchester. I took voluntary redundancy in 2018 and I’ve been living of my savings and my wife’s meagre wage ever since. I have no desire to return to the 9-5 rat race. I’m not living like a king but Life’s good and I’m enjoying the simple things.
Since finishing work I spend a lot of time cooking, it’s something I really enjoy now I have the time to spare. Even the ritual of shopping for ingredients has become enjoyable and that’s something I never thought I’d hear myself say.
Different folks I suppose.- I was a wolrd traveler. . Nature of the job. Now, in my seventies, we mostly walk a lot and my wife is a brilliant cook.
We have three grandchildren that stay 3 nights a week so that keeps me busy as well. Never a dull moment
.Nice is good, wherever it occurs
Hi Morti.
what or who are the Bots? Your the second person to mention them.
Well they’re hard to explain.
They live, mysteriously and invisibly, around the forum, a sort of roving entity with it’s own sentient intelligence … and occasionally, oft when least expected, pop up and make helpful suggestions to help enrich your experience here.
They sound great, I can’t wait to meet them now.
Welcome from me too…hope you like it here
Careful of those bots not all are friendly