Hi All ,a newbie ,I'm Steve

Hi there ,59 years young and thought it a good idea ? to try a chat forum ,so here I am .Hope your all well and if you live up North ,I hope you stay dry this evening .

Hello Steve :slight_smile: welcome…

Hi Stevie. Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy it here.

Cheers Meg .

Thankyou Longdogs ,I’m sure I will once I get to know a few people .

Hi Stevie :039:
Please jump in!

Hi Steve and welcome. I’m the grumpy old Scotsman here.

Hi there Rhian

A pleasure to meet you ,just been reading about being banned on a thread lol I can’t wait ………No no I must be good .Hopefully I will get to grips with the site as I progress and can add photos ,perhaps Sunday .

Evening Besoeker,

Great to meet a grumpy old Scotsman ,from a grumpy old Sassenach :slight_smile:

Him Steve.
Welcome from a Suvener. You will enjoy this forum, It,s great believe you me.

Hi Steve :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to Over50sForum…

Rhian ,just realised !! No way your over 50 ……….if you are ,you must of had a very easy paper round :wink:

Hi Ben ,lovely to meet another Suverner :slight_smile: looking to sharing ideas and getting to know folk ,if only Online ta bud :slight_smile:

Thankyou Mags ,its been heartening so far :slight_smile: Thankyou .

hiya Stevie! I’m part of the Antipodian department. I log on when most of you are just going to bed. :slight_smile:

Hiya Stevie, I’m waving at ya from Yorkshire


Hi Stevie, Ditto to the above.:smiley:

Thank you Stevie boy.
Many here know me for my big hairy beast Max and he is an absolute gem. Took care of me with my failing eyesight.
. About me…
Retired electrical engineer. Power electronics was and is and my field.

Welcome to the mad house steve

Hi Steve, I might be the last to welcome you here but being the proud Village Idiot better to be late than never. Yes we on here have heated debates sometimes to try and get our point across, but also have great sympathy for those who need it.

This I know personally and grateful for all the support I had with a serious health problem a couple of years ago.

We all have our “pet” hobbies which vary considerably and most of the time someone will try and help.

So if you want to ask a question go ahead and see what response you get