Hernias - anyone else suffered with them?

But what did the doctor say other than offer a sick note Floydy?
Is she giving you a referral or what?


So sorry to hear about problems, hope things go well.

I’m on the waiting list for an operation, Mups.
I’m going to ring again today for an update on that and try to get it speeded up. This is killing me now. I can’t stand up for more than a few seconds without it coming on. It’s awful.

Thanks Swimmy. Appreciated bud :cool:

Goodness Floydy, let’s hope they can help you soon.
Best of luck with the op.

Thanks Mups. They’re going to hurry things up now hopefully.
I’ve just rang the boss at work incidentally and he wants me to go in tomorrow at 8pm if poss. I said that’s okay and I’ll see him then. I have typed out a ‘complete history’ of the past week’s events and will be going through it with him, together with a talk about my change of hours hopefully.
Things are moving!

What on earth am I going to do for two weeks?

Needless to say a lot of posting on Over50sForum, of course. :slight_smile: :lol:

Well if you are in so much pain, perhaps resting in a comfortable position would be best! Stop worrying about what might happen & focus on what you should do when you are feeling much better.
Oh and keep out of that gym! :lol:

Yes I’ll no doubt be posting - and at the normal time of day too for a change! It’s a drag being nocturnal all the time :frowning:

I will visit the gym but only to keep me active. Sitting around all day is extremely dangerous for the health. Causes diabetes or IBS and I don’t wish to add those to my problems!
I’ll do a bit of casual walking on the treadmill and some light weights but nothing until the weekend. :cool:

You really ought to take advice on what you should and shouldn’t be doing regarding the gym, I doubt very much that you would develop diabetes or IBS in the space of two weeks! Personally I have never set foot in a gym, yet am probably just as fit and healthy as you, so give yourself a break Floydy and do nothing without taking professional, advice, unless of course it’s relaxing with a beer and a box set… :wink:

Floydy, I don’t think your doctor or your boss would be very pleased if they found out you were still able to go to the Gym despite the pain you are in :surprised:

I would suggest you rest up for a while, there is no way they will move you up the waiting list if you are able to visit the Gym :confused:

Thanks Barry, Mags, but I will go spare if I don’t get out of the house for two weeks. I need to do some kind of basic exercise even if it’s just walking around the block. Just to keep my ligaments moving. I’m not talking about going absolutely mental throwing myself around, just a gentle stroll for half an hour a day. I know my limits.:cool:

I have a new book to start reading, some DVDs to watch and some music to compile for the car so there will be plenty of time to take things easy :slight_smile:

You could do a bit of light housework for your Missus. :lol:

I’m pretty domesticated anyway, Aerolor. I do my own ironing, wash up, cook my own meals, put my washing in and hang it out, clean the bathroom occasionally, do all the vacuuming. Lots of stuff a lot of blokes don’t normally. We share the same house so why shouldn’t a man help with the general tidiness of it?

I have made a list to keep me busy:
Sort out clothes for charity shops
Box up summer clothes and put winter ones in wardrobes and drawers
Iron my t-shirts
Tidy cupboards and drawers
Sort out old CDs and DVDs in loft. Bin or sell them.
Tidy the garage
Sort out old paperwork, box files, shred documents etc

The only thing I draw the line at is dusting. Too fiddly.

Floydy, read the bold section from your own post:!: If you can’t stand up for more that a few seconds, without the pain, how the hell do you expect to be able to take a walk around the block?:shock:

Mags & Barry gave good advice, and believe me you will “go spare”, if you ignore it and end up doing further damage, that could keep you in a hospital bed for a lot longer!

Thanks Twink. I’m feeling slightly better today and at last the backache has disappeared. The pain in my lower abdomen has gone too mostly.
A short walk will do me good however. I’m not stupid, I know what I can handle but there will definitely be no gym work until I’m fully better :slight_smile:

Pleased to hear that!:lol:

I have a consultation appointment for 12th September at a private hospital, so it looks like my badgering has done some good. Nice to see that the NHS has redirected my problem to private care.

Otherwise, I went for a short walk yesterday and after a while I was getting the ‘stabbing’ pain back again in my right-side hernia, together with lower abdomen pain again. I’m putting some of this down to some spicy food I had for my evening meal though as I’ve had that before. I do think that when I eat (or drink) that when the food goes past the hernia area it causes it to ‘push out’ and thereby cause the pain. All I can do is push it back in again and it seems to be okay.

The worst thing is sitting down all day as that gives me backache, so I stand up for a few minutes and walk around the house every half an hour. That’s all I can do right now.

I’m keeping busy though. I’ve priced up my entire record collection (except CDs) and I’m taking a list to a local shop today to get them valued.

Floydy try a stomach wrap/ band you know like they use for weigh lifting. I had a terrible hernia that came about post hysterectomy. When I went (eventually) to see the consultant he recommended that prior to op and then after op. My hernia was obviously different to yours but worked wonders.

I thought about that, Kazz, and I’ve looked at special ‘boxer shorts’ and weird-looking jockstrap-type(!) things to try out but they’re so expensive and might not work.
With this being an inguinal hernia, i.e. affecting the groin area rather than the stomach, it tends to move around and would be difficult keeping it in one place all the time.
I’ve found that when I stand up I need to put my finger on it to stop it popping out and when I sit down again, the same in reverse. The most ideal solution would be to walk around all the time grasping my groin, but for obvious reasons I can’t. I’d get arrested lol!