Hernias - anyone else suffered with them?

Definitely not, Floydy.

You will probably be allowed home the same day - depending on what time they do the operation - and which anaesthetic they use - but you will not be able to drive yourself.

The recommended convalescent period is 3 weeks before returning to light duties, and 6 weeks before anything more strenuous!

Floydy, the most precious thing to have in your life is your health, so don’t put it at risk to satisfy your employer:!:

Your surgeon will advise you on what is safe to do, and what isn’t, so ask if he will give you a written note to confirm this ( he may want a small fee for doing so :lol:). If he thinks it will take longer than a week before you are safe to work, he should give you a sick note… and your employer would be in serious trouble if he made you work against doctors advice!

I hope it all goes well for you.:hug:

I will 2nd that. Painful to poo.

Tabby, Twink. Thanks for this.
Having thought about it, it will take time because I will have stitches in also and won’t be able to lift very much. The gym will definitely be out unless I can do some treadmill walking or cycling.

Work will be a real problem. They have a rule whereby they judge three instances of sickness per year as a gravely unsatisfactory event and it doesn’t make any difference if the time period off sick is for one day or three months. They are unflexible in their approach.

I had a night off in January for a flu/chest complaint and six hours off on Thursday night. Because of these two (minor) instances I will now get a ‘back to work interview’ and a caution.
A third bout of sickness from my forthcoming operation will result in a written warning. What am I supposed to do?! They don’t take into account what the doctor says and bully people into returning to work by visiting them at home.

I need to know if they are operating within the law to be honest.

And where will this now put me in my plans to get back onto day working? I don’t know what to do now!

Floydy, I’m not sure if you are aware that it can sometimes take 24-26 weeks for a GP referral to see a Consultant. Then sometimes weeks after that for the actual op.

I mention this because of your planning for your forthcoming holiday in USA. Not sure when you planned to go but just a warning that a couple of years ago we had to cancel our holiday as my husband’s op date came through for a few days before we were due to go. I hope that won’t happen in your case.

It depends on the individual of how much time off you need, I took two weeks sick and tagged two weeks holiday when I had my hernia done,
When I was waiting to have the op, I was chatting to a bloke a bit younger than me, who was a little nervous regarding the procedure, as I’d had operations before I tried to reassure him, I saw him after we’d both had our operations, I felt as though I’d been hit by a demented rhino, whilst he marched past me as if he was in a road race…
As for your employer, could you not see the chap from HR, whom you saw about a day shift job, and explain your situation regarding your hernia op, I’m sure they wouldn’t want the bad publicity if they forced you back and something happened, failing that, if you’re not in a union then you could see a solicitor who specialises in employment law…

Are you in a Union? If not do some research into employment law on sickness or even speak to a solicitor about whether they can make you work when a doctor says you shouldn’t! I am fairly sure that a company will have some insurance to cover accidents at work, but if you are forced to work while you are ill, you will not be covered by that insurance… but you can sue them as I think it is against the law!
This is why I said that you should get the surgeon to give written instructions on what you can & cannot do!

I was self employed and my work involved heavy lifting. I was off work for about 9 weeks.

It won’t be until next June, Mags so hopefully I’ll be back in the land of the living by then :slight_smile:

Excellent posts Primus and Twink. Thank you :slight_smile:

Yes I’m in Unite for the sole reason that I’ve seen so much wrongdoing and dubious victimisation at my place. I thought I would join in three years ago and pending my chat with the Ops Manager (who, sadly is not the big boss I saw last time), I may end up phoning them.
The chat next Wednesday is about hopefully a role on days but I will also bring up this problem and get some things clarified. I’m seriously thinking of recording the conversation as the person I’m seeing is a notoriously vindictive individual. The HR department always side with the managers so that would be hopeless seeing them.
We’ll see what happens.

Sounds a pretty rubbish system your employers are running Floydy and very likely illegal. Employers are not allowed to punish employees for being ill and have to make reasonable allowances for employees that return to work after an illness when they be less able to carry out the same tasks as before.

Here’s a link to basic government advice

Thanks Barry. I’m going to print that off and keep a copy with me at work :cool:
They tend to make their own rules at my divisional warehouse which is away from Head Office. There are so many petty and ‘scapegoat’ type instances going on, the company seems to be out just to punish people anytime they like.
But hey, that’s other situations. Watch this space :slight_smile:

Blimey Floydy, I thought I had worked for some shitty employers in the past but yours sounds like the pits. :shock:

I agree.

In the past I’ve worked for a couple of ‘dubious’ employers, these were soon put right by a union representative. They were informed of the rules, both union and employment rules, and soon changed their stance.

If you have any dispute with your employer, despite what you are saying about the HR person, you really should have a representative from your union with you at any meetings as a witness to what is said. In my union I wasn’t allowed in any meeting with an employer without the union representative.

Nobody should be treated like that due to illness or any health problem, in my opinion anyway. Probably that is also against employment law, maybe you should check all this out with your union directly.

Good luck with it all Floydy and I hope the health problem is soon sorted for you. Meanwhile don’t go overdoing it, nothing is worth jeopardising your health for. :slight_smile:

Hello Floydy

My company counts operations as yours will be as a “planned absence” and it does not count towards absences of an “uplanned nature” such as flu etc but is discounted when counting absences.

I empathise with your discomfort having had a hernia which was a nightmare but due to a previous surgery.

I thought about this, Kazz. Thanks :cool:

I did inquire recently about my front crown being replaced in which I will probably need a night off following the treatment, which will be done in October. They initially said I would need to take the time off as sickness but after I questioned this as being a medical appointment, they relented and are now classing it as ‘authorised absence’. I had to fight for it though. You wouldn’t believe the way they operate at my company.

because my hernia will be a longer recovery they will put it down as sickness though, which I would agree with. It’s the nature of their dealing with things as being almost a punishment, persecuting people because they have a medical complaint which is not right in my book. People cannot help being ill with obvious conditions such as this.

Yes I agree It will be a “sickness absence” however you will be given a date and they will be able to plan for it therefore a planned absence. Like jury service/paternity etc

How did you get on at the doctors this afternoon Floydy?

Hello mags, thanks for asking :cool:

Firstly I had some blood tests done as arranged but I inquired about seeing a doctor and was told the next appointment would be on the 17th September. I told them that I now had other problems (the left hernia now playing up too plus lower abdomen pain) which wasn’t there on Thursday when I originally saw my GP.

Suddenly, the receptionist said “Well if you wait 15 minutes you can see a doctor”. Funny isn’t it, how does that work then? Anyway, I saw the doctor and she asked me if I wanted a sick note for two weeks or a ‘return to work with amended duties’ note. I plumped for the latter because as I mentioned before, they are very strict about sickness at work and I’ll be taking a long spell of time off following my operation, whenever that may happen.

I write this at 12.30am now Mags, and I’m at my tea break. I’ve been putting away very small boxes into pick face locations as my ‘light duties’ but I’m in a great deal of pain - the back, hernias and groin area - and it’s not very comfortable. But I’ll struggle through it.

I have the meeting with the manager on Wednesday evening about my previous request to get back onto days and I intend to discuss the sickness policy and where people like myself fit in with working when they clearly should be resting at home. People are just afraid to take time off and there should be some kind of consideration for follow-up operations and appointments. In the meantime I’ll carry on the best I can.

Looking at Google now I’m wondering if it’s actually a stomach ulcer or worse…but you know how you can scare yourself to death by Googling such enquires.
I’ll play it be ear and hope for the best!
