Here we go, Hold on

If I saw that I would be laughing at her so hard I couldn’t work a camera. I wonder if it has a little pineapple bed at home. WTF :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


I don’t anything about pet pineapples Dianne…I have a dog and a bird, y’know, regular things. Fruit is not my forte! :smiley:


I can laugh at not knowing anything at all…and give you a heart to boot… :innocent:


I have seen many weird fruits here, and some of them vegetables, well don’t even ask me…frightened to touch them even…
and lets not talk about them locals habits… :clown_face:

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I’ll raise your heart with a :hugs:

Ok, no fruit…how about a chicken


Dinner. :flushed:

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its still alive though… :thinking: :confused:

Nope, not nice… no heart for you :018:

Besides, you know what they say about eating pink chicken…! :astonished:

Um. nope. :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

I am so sorry I have to leave now… :lying_face:

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missing yer all so soon… :sob: :sob: :sob:


Hurry back Dianne, while I try and explain the connection between stomach ache and pick chicken to our American friend :smiley:

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Umm…not quite! :joy:

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Are we talking undercooked chicken or is this a euphemism for something?

Undercooked chicken Danny. :blush: …I don’t think I want to know what euphemism’s you guys have over there that might go along the lines of pink chicken :flushed:

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Over here I wouldn’t want to know myself! The only time I get lost in a conversation on here is usually because of euphemisms. I really wish the English spoke English better. :speak_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

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Haha! Yes, well…it loses me sometimes as well…call a spade a spade, (or a chicken a chicken) :+1:

Edit: So after a swift derail, we are back on track for the thanksgiving thread! We are SO good at this now :joy:

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Only it’s more about travel, my dear. I don’t celebrate the holiday and neither does anyone else on here. I think I’m the only Yank. This is travel that starts every year in the US. It starts at Thanksgiving, but continues through New Year. Will be interesting to see the effects of COVID with all this traveling.

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Yes, we are! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: